Hello Python developers,
Python 3.8
Python 3.8 was released in Oct. 2019 and since then its support has been expected by some of you. The wait is over: you can use the latest Python features such as the “walrus operator” :=
and scan your Python 3.8 code in SonarCloud.
The icing on the cake: there is a rule dedicated to “walrus operator” to be sure this new syntax doesn’t make your code more confusing that without it (PEP 572):
- S5685: Walrus operator should not make code confusing (Code Smell - Minor)
Method Signature and Visibility Rules
Python might seem familiar to developers coming from other object oriented languages, but it has many specificities and conventions: “self” parameter, positional/keyword parameters, private members which are in fact using name mangling, etc…
We upgraded the Python analyzer to avoid such common mistakes when defining method/function and to detect dead code due to class-private members.
Code Smell Detection:
S4487: Unread “private” attributes should be removed (Critical)
- S2638: Method overrides should not change contracts (Critical)
- S5717: Function parameters’ default values should not be modified or assigned (Critical)
S5720: “self” should be the first argument to instance methods (Critical)
- S2710: The first argument to class methods should follow the naming convention (Critical)
S1144: Unused class-private methods should be removed (Major)
There is a missing “_” in the name making this “_init” method not a constructor but an unused class-private method. - S3985: Unused private nested classes should be removed (Major)
Bug Detection:
- S5719: Instance and class methods should have at least one parameter (Blocker)
S5722: Special methods should have an expected number of parameters (Blocker)
- S5724: Property getter, setter and deleter methods should have the expected number of parameters (Blocker)
These features are already available on SonarCloud, and will be included in SonarQube 8.3.