SonarCloud java scanns using gradle stopped working

Language: Java 11
Scanner tool: Gradle sonarqube plugin
Command: gradlew sonarqube -d -Dsonar.projectName=... -Dsonar.organization=... -Dsonar.projectKey=...

I’m running the Gradle sonar plugin version 3.3 in my build pipe line using Git hub actions. The build just stopped working caused by the sonar plugin started hanging. The plugin also hangs when running from my local machine.

When running with debug output I see hundreds of rows looking like this:

2022-05-10T17:29:08.356+0200 [DEBUG] [org.sonarqube.gradle.SonarQubeTask] Function summary for ...; has exceeded the maximum number of function results.
2022-05-10T17:29:08.356+0200 [DEBUG] [org.sonarqube.gradle.SonarQubeTask] Function summary for ...; has exceeded the maximum number of function results.
2022-05-10T17:29:08.356+0200 [DEBUG] [org.sonarqube.gradle.SonarQubeTask] Function summary for ...; has exceeded the maximum number of function results.
2022-05-10T17:29:08.356+0200 [DEBUG] [org.sonarqube.gradle.SonarQubeTask] Function summary for ...; has exceeded the maximum number of function results.
2022-05-10T17:29:08.356+0200 [DEBUG] [org.sonarqube.gradle.SonarQubeTask] Function summary for ...; has exceeded the maximum number of function results.

Finally the plugin writes:

2022-05-10T17:29:08.357+0200 [DEBUG] [org.sonarqube.gradle.SonarQubeTask] Aborting analysis of ...; early because the maximum of 16000 analysed instructions has been reached.

But the plugin does not report this error back to gradle so gradle just waits forever for the sonar plugin to complete the scanning task.

I used the “sonar way” profile that I can see was change 5 days ago. If I change to a new profile with only one rule the scan works again. I assume the changed rules is causing my build to fail.
What changes to the java sonar way rules were made 5 days ago? I would like to test my build without those rules but I don’t know which once they are.



We added “deep” bug detection about the time your problem started.

This is relevant:

And I’m going to flag this for that team.


@ganncamp I can report a similar problem that started occurring recently via builds run on our jenkins server. The scans will no longer complete, and when I can inspect the output, they are filled with hundreds of lines similar to ones reported by Joel

“Function summary for …; has exceeded the maximum number of function results.”

Similarly, our builds will no longer.

I will attempt to try the suggested property to disable the new analyzer.


Hi @jmongard and @skipwalker,

We have recently fixed some performance problems with the new sensor. Can you try re-enabling it and tell us whether your issues are now solved?

Thank you and thanks for your patience