SonarCloud installation error in Unity

Hello everyone,
I have been trying to install a sonarcloud on Unity Project C#.

  • I have tried to install sonarcloud under (.Net) which best suits the project.
  • I have added SONAR_TOKEN in GitHub.
  • I have added a build.yml file in the .github/workflow folder
  • I have replaced the text from <insert_your_build_command> to “dotnet build”
  • I have added GitHub actions workflow on Develop branch according to sonarcloud recommendations

but when I start the scan and reach up to build and analyze, it throws errors.

Hey there.

Based on your screenshot, dotnet build is failing because it found nothing to build.

I would suggest making sure you have a working build command, and then add back in SonarCloud.

We are creating our build through Unity Platform, can you guide us how can we achieve this?

@Colin, The problem is deeper than that. This is a Microsoft build that is not based on MSBuild. Similar to how C++ intercepts and watches, we’ll probably need a similar watcher for Unity and BizTalk type projects.

There are a few other topics related to this. Hoping that this gets attention in a future scanner release.

Same for both Cloud and On-premises.