SonarCloud Could not find the pullrequest with key 'XXXX'

  • ALM used: Azure DevOps
  • CI system used: Azure DevOps

We have sonar setup to analyse our PR’s which have stopped working for 1 of our projects, all other projects are fine.

The error from the logs is: Could not find the pullrequest with key 'xxxx'

We get this for any PR’s created recently, the last ones to work were created 2 days ago.

What’s also strange is, if I call this URL with an existing key that is already held within sonar I get the same response.

This links does return a list of existing PR’s from sonar

Any idea/suggestions of where I can look first?

Getting the same message. PAT is not expired. Was working fine earlier in the day.

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I was able to resolve it. PAT in Administration > Organization settings was expired. I had only checked the project level PAT. Hopes this helps.

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thank you so much!

Someone else in the company originally setup the org in sonar so I didn’t know there was an org level PAT!

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