Hi guys i write because i have one project with the next characteristics:
Visual Studio Team Services / Azure DevOps -> For the Repo
Visual Studio -> The IDE
C# -> The Language
3 Layers (Presentation / Business / Data)
The main problem is when i try to analize the project i just see the bugs in one layer (the Presentation/Aplication Web) but i can’t see the problems in the others projects like the Business/Data Layer.
Sonar can identify problems in just one layer? o what is the problem?
Is it only a problem with missing issues? Can you see the other layers source code in SonarCloud?
Answer: I just see bugs in one layer (Presentation Layer) & yes i can see the other layers in sonarcloud but doesnt have any issues , there is the main problem because the Business / Data layers has big issues/bugs in this solution.
Are you building one or multiple solutions?
Answer: I’m building just one solution with (3) projects associates.
As you can see on your screenshot Code Smells are properly reported on the 3 layers so I suspect that there is simply no Bug found for the 2 other layers.
This application has strong problems in the production environment, the main problem is in the Business/Data layer because with only 5 users the application has problems accessing to the data base & memmory leaks in the server.
The last image only show bugs in the Presentation Layer (called AlkostoProductsControl.UI), my question is SonarCloud only does analysis in the Presentation Layer? because is so light have only 31 bugs when the application doesn’t work in performance’s terms…
I am pretty sure things are working properly, you should have a look at the Quality Profile you are using and try to enable more bug rules. Note that we don’t have many performance related rules so maybe you won’t find some use-cases you would want.