SonarCloud available features

Hello, I have few technical questions on SonarCloud features that I haven’t clearly found in the documentation on the website. Does SonarCloud explictly support the following features? Branch Analysis, PR decoration and Parallelism. And if so, are there in place limitations on them?
We work with Azure DevOps & GIT and we daily open several PRs and feature branches over many projects/repos.
We are interested in knowning if SonarCloud can support this way of working and which are the limitations (if any).
For example, how does SonarCloud react in front of many PRs triggered closely in time?
Also, which are the features supported by SonarQube Enterprise edition that are not currently supported by SonarCloud? Can you please list them?
Thank you in advance for the feedbacks

Hello @marco.c ,

Welcome to the community!

I’ll try to answer most of your questions.

Yes, those features are supported. As an example, your PRs will be analyzed in parallel, even if they are in the same project. This also depends on how your projects are set up, e.g. if you are using CI-based or automatic analysis.

I don’t have a full list, but things such as Portfolios or reporting capabilities are not yet available. You can find our public roadmap here to provide feedback and subscribe to updates on certain features. Also, SonarCloud is free for open source and has a 14-day free trial as well, so you can easily try it out.

Hi Martin,

Many thanks for your reply! Much appreciated!
FreeTrial of SonarCloud would be for sure the next step that me and my team will have, after this preliminary inquiry. Please, let me to ask few other little things.

About features, the main doubt comes from the Branch Analysis support.
If I have intended properly, the Branch Analysis is not yet supported only in Automatic Analysis. But it’s supported with CI-Based Analysis. Is it right? If so, because we use Azure Pipelines (so we would go with CI-Based) we should be OK. Is it right my understanding?

About Parallelism, the main doubt we have is this.
Let’s suppose to have one Develop branch and n feature branches.
If we reaise PRs for each of those feature branches, are the scans and analysis put in parallel by the Cloud? Or are them processed sequentially?

About PRs, do you have the same PR decoration and Quality Gates mechanism in place for SonarQube right?

Thanks again for the all the support

Best regards
-Marco Casadio

Yes, that is correct. On Automatic Analysis, we support PR analysis and only branch analysis for the main branch. When running the analysis on Azure Pipelines branch analysis is be supported fully.

Since the analysis runs on your CI system it depends on your setup if they run in parallel. From my perspective, this is usually the default and should not be a problem. Processing of the analysis results in the cloud will happen in parallel.

This part should be mostly the same, yes. There are likely some very minor differences that will not affect the functionality much.

Hi Martin,
Sorry for this delayed answer and, again, thank you so much! Very helpful info!

We use Azure DevOps and we run everything in the Cloud. I could assume that the parallelism is in the place. At least for the scan phase. About report phase, is there any limit about the number of reports that can be processed in parallel in Cloud? If so, which is this limit?

About PR & Quality Gates, is the definition of the rules something that can be customized or the set of rules is the same across all subscriptions / organizations ?

I just checked with the team and we currently process reports sequentially per project, but since this usually only takes a couple of seconds there shouldn’t be an issue. How many PRs does your team usually create per day on a project?

You can customize your Quality Gate and the set of active rules (through a Quality Profile) per project if needed.

[quote=“Martin Bednorz, post:6, topic:102999, username:Martin_Bednorz”]Since this usually only takes a couple of seconds there shouldn’t be an issue. How many PRs does your team usually create per day on a project?

Because we are several teams here with different scopes, projects and boundaries it’s quite difficult counting the number of PRs raised daily, but as you said, because it will take just few seconds for each process report, it really guess it won’t be an issue at all (let’s cross the fingers).

[quote=“Martin Bednorz, post:6, topic:102999, username:Martin_Bednorz”]You can customize your Quality Gate and the set of active rules (through a Quality Profile) per project if needed.


Thank you very much for all the support provided! Personally appreciated!
Best Regards

Hey @marco.c

We recently launched SonarCloud Enterprise, which includes support for SAML, Security Reports, Portfolios, and org-wide config (similar to SonarQube’s instance-wide configuration)