SonarCloud Analysis Failure in C++ Project Using Cirrus CI

ALM Used


CI System Used

Cirrus CI

Scanner Command Used

build-wrapper-linux-x86-64 --out-dir ${CIRRUS_WORKING_DIR}/bw-output qbs build --no-install -f valentina.qbs -d ${CIRRUS_WORKING_DIR}/build --jobs $(nproc) profile:qt6 config:debug modules.buildconfig.enableCcache:true modules.cpp.linkerVariant:mold modules.buildconfig.enableTestCoverage:true modules.buildconfig.enablePCH:false

Language of the Repository


SonarCloud Project URL

Error Observed

Fail to process issues of component 'dismine_valentina:src/libs/vpropertyexplorer/vpropertyformwidget.cpp' (Visit of Component {key=dismine_valentina:src/libs/vpropertyexplorer/vpropertyformwidget.cpp,type=FILE} failed)

Can somebody help me with this error?

Complete CI build log:
build.log (5.1 MB)

Hey @dismine

I flagged this thread for attention from our Dev team. As you imagine, the holidays mean a lot of people are out. Sorry for the delay. We’ll come back to you as soon as we can.

In the meantime, you might try to add an exclusion for **/vpropertyformwidget.cpp to see if only one file is affected (and potentially unblock yourself for now)

Thank you! I will try.

Hi @dismine

Sorry for the long wait, Is the issue still exist for you? We will continue the investigation.



No, the suggestion to exclude the file helped me. I can continue analyzing my project.