versions used - SonarCloud
error observed
Fail to process issues of component 'EDITED_BECAUSE_OF_COMPANY_POLICY.java:PULL_REQUEST:17' (Visit of Component {key=EDITED_BECAUSE_OF_COMPANY_POLICY.java:PULL_REQUEST:17,type=FILE} failed)
steps to reproduce
- Send a PMD report to SonarCloud. It works OK the first time - all expected Code Smells are reported
- Commit changes to your code, so SonarCloud tries to analyze the code again. You’ll get the error above
Noticed that this is exactly the same as the thing discussed in this closed thread: https://community.sonarsource.com/t/fail-to-process-issues-of-x-visit-of-component-x-failed/44898
The bug is listed as fixed - https://jira.sonarsource.com/browse/SONAR-15091 but obviously not in SonarCloud. So I guess the thing that is described in the bug still happens in SonarCloud:
If an issue is imported from an external rule engine with an empty message (“”), it will end up being saved in the DB with a null message.
The next time the project is analyzed with the same issue, the issue tracking fails with a NullPointerException because of the issue without message in the DB.