Sonar Server Store In Which tables related to Sonar Scan and coverage information in MySQL Database

I am using SonarQube 8.6 Version
I want to extract Sonar Scans and code coverage report from Sonar Backend Database like MySQL Using Select query.
Could you please someone help me on this ?
Sonar Server Store In Which tables related to Sonar Scan and coverage information in MySQL Database.

Hi ,

as per our requirements, MySQL is no longer supported as a DBMS for sonarqube.

Also i have seen that you already raised a similar topic here, so it would be great to have this in one place. Apart from that i can already give you the same answer as Cameron on this. The Database Schema is constantly changing and it would be a bad idea to try to extract information from the database without having a look at every migration that will come with an update. You are better off using our API to extract information about code coverage (API endpoint api/measures/component).

Here is an example query via curl assuming you have a component called test and your sonarqube server is on localhost:9000 with the credentials admin:admin :

curl -u admin:admin "http://localhost:9000/api/measures/component?additionalFields=metrics&component=test&metricKeys=coverage%2Cnew_coverage"

Yes, I understood but I am curious to know in which table actually data store , Could you please help me for this ?

you would have to do multiple queries to get the information that you want. our schema is open source, so you can have a look at it yourself:

but again the warning, that this schema is open to be changed at any given time, so even when you create a working query right now, it could break with the next update. i highly encourage you to NOT manually query or alter the database!

Hi Salman,

I looking a similar report form the backend(postgres DB) to extract code coverage and sonar metrics like bug, code smells and vulnerability counts for different application components. Did you find any solution to it? I would be grateful if you can help me in any kind.

In the version 8.9 this information is in the tables project, project_measures , metrics, ce_activity and project_branches.