Sonar scanner error since v4

SonarQube Server version: 10.3
Sonar scanner version: 4.0.1

Since version 4.0 was published we are receiving the following error in every scan attempt, at the very beginning of the scan, for some of our projects:

[INFO] Bootstrapper: Retrieving info from “package.json” file
[ERROR] Bootstrapper: An error occurred: Error: slugify: string argument expected

After some testing we found that the problem is happening when the scan is processing a ‘package.json’ file that is found in the root of the working directory. That package.json doesn’t contains a name property, and we believe that the lack of that property is triggering the error in this line of the scanner:

params[‘sonar.projectKey’] = slugify(, {
remove: invalidCharacterRegex,

Could you please check if that’s the case and hopefully fix the processing of the package.json?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
Fran Sastre


Hey there @fransastre!

Just to be sure I understand – are you setting sonar.projectKey somewhere else? LIke a file or a command line parameter (-Dsonar.projectKey=...)

Hello Collin,
We have a file that contains the project key & name, but according to our tests, the issue appears always, no matter if you set project.key in the command line or in the As soon as it starts processing the package.json that does not contains any name property it crashes.

Thanks! I’ll pass this onto our experts. Hold tight.

Hello @fransastre , it looks like indeed there is a limitation introduced by v4 where a package.json without a name entry will cause the scan to stop.

Thanks for pointing it out. I’ve created a ticket SCANNPM-41 that you can use to track our progress on the resolution of this,

Hope this helps

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Hi Benjamin,
Thank you very much for the prompt response.
We are looking forward for the next release.
