Sonar scan fails for new code scan with critical issues even that part of code is not touched

I’m using SonarQube 2.2.31 the Quality gate is set for only new code as follows
Conditions on New Code apply to all branches and to Pull Requests.
|Coverage|is less than|60.0%|
|Blocker Issues|is greater than|0|
|Critical Issues|is greater than|3|
|Major Issues|is greater than|50|
|Minor Issues|is greater than|50|
|Vulnerabilities|is greater than|5|

I have made changes to the yaml files in the branch, no new code was added to the branch beside some changes on settings and yaml files.
but sonar fails stating overall issues in the PR develop.

How do I stop the sonar from scanning all files instead of new code, does sonar scan the overall code even with new code filter?

Hey there

This isn’t a version of SonarQube I’m aware of :thinking: Where are you getting this version number from?

I would suggest sharing a screenshot that demonstrates this. It’s not clear to me what you’re seeing!

Here is the version I see on the right side of sonarQube ittools

And here is the sonar fail stating scan 277 new line even when the change was only done on yaml files not JAVA