Sonar.pullrequest.branch not found during PR analysis, GH integration not working?

Hello, I’ve got the analysis on master/develop branch working without issues using the official CircleCI Orb through GitHub (integration works as expected, where the job is kicked at every push to each branch).
Now we’re using feature-branch PRs into develop, I’m getting:

ERROR: Error during SonarQube Scanner execution
ERROR: Parameter 'sonar.pullrequest.branch' is mandatory for a pull request analysis
ERROR: Re-run SonarQube Scanner using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.

From what I’ve understood, Sonarcloud should detect that automatically, so I’ve added (since it wasn’t there) the Provider and Repository Identifier under the project Administration / General Settings / Pull Requests. This hasn’t changed anything.

Am I missing something?
Let me know if you need any other additional information

well, not much activity here, but as it turns out, on a pre-existing project, SonarCloud didn’t recognise the project was pulling from GitHub, even after configuring it. Creating a new project from scratch did solve the issue. Not the solution I wanted to go for, but at least it worked.

Hello @ThePeach,

My apologies for the late response!
Yes, we automatically configure the pullrequest variables ourselves when projects are connected to their ALM (GitHub, Gitlab, …). Currently the only way to connect your project to an ALM is during the creation phase.
