and maven sonar:sonar goal

I am scanning code using sonar:sonar maven goal.
I have to exclude certain files from sonar scannig. I can do this using property sonar.exclusions. (e.g. sonar.exclusions=/my-pkg//*)

Now my questions are how can I pass property to sonar:sonar?
I have following options
a) use of -Dsonar.exclusions=/my-pkg//* while calling sonar:sonar
b) use of <sonar.exclusions>/my-pkg//</sonar.exclusions> in pom.xml
c) use of and specify sonar.exclusions=/my-pkg//
in it.

I know a) and b) above works. But I am keen to use option c) as it keeps sonar config consolidated and isolated in separate file and dont clutter my pom.xml.
Reading from documentation at I am not sure whether options c) works?
(I did tried it but has not worked for me - I am not sure if its my mistake or sonar:sonar does not support it?)

Thus my real question to community is does present in project folder work with maven sonar:sonar goal???

Appreciate any help on this.

Many Thanks !

Hi Preetam,

mvn sonar:sonar gets its configurations from the command line (with -Dsonar.x=y parameters) and the pom. It does not read

I’d like to point out that you do have another option for setting these exclusions, which is via the UI, altho I recognize that that doesn’t get you any closer to your goal of “consolidated and isolated” configs.



Thanks Ann

Yeah UI is also an option but as you said not suitable for my purpose.

BTW - Thanks for confirming that sonar:sonar does not read I wont try to bother now why it has not worked for me.
This also means I have to choose between -D or pom.xml options based upon my situation.

Anyway …
Many Thanks !

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