Wish to exclude some packages from sonar code Coverage where sonar is part of build pipeline of jenkins
Ways tried (for now added all files under the package mentioned just to check if it really excludes all java file !)
B:<sonar.exclusions>{project.basedir}/src/main/java/com/ept/scheduleinterface/dto/**/*, {project/basedir}/src/main/java/com/test/aa//model/</sonar.exclusions>
in my project structure there is a jenkinsfile and pom.xml file along with dockerfile
But it looks is sonar is not obeying the configuration at all.
Also I can see in jenkins console logs the changes I did in e.g. jenkins file are considered
Running shell script
‘-Dsonar.java.libraries=/root/.m2/repository/org/projectlombok/lombok//lombok-.jar’ ‘-Dsonar.sonar.coverage.exclusions=src/main/java/com/**/*’ -Dsonar.sources=src -Dsonar.java.binaries=target/classes -Dsonar.jacoco.reportPaths=target/jacoco.exec -
Correctly configuring exclusions on the analysis side can be quite tricky. I’d recommend you do this in the UI instead. When you do, take a look at the path-to-file shown in the SonarQube UI (the blue scribble part of your screenshot) and replicate that in your exclusion.
Thanks Ann,
But doing this through UI I do not see any provision!
You want me specify below on UI.
Could you please share or point me to any similar UI option here as it looks I need to have the permission to add those package exclusions ?
You’ll need to have admin rights on your project. Once you do, you’ll see a project-level Administration menu item. Choose Administration > General Settings > Analysis Scope.
Actually I have tried various options as mentioned in my original post also tried below but no change in coverage.
Idea here is to exclude all java classes comes under below folder (recurrent) path
Also tried
but looks sonarQube is not obeying the configuration of pom.xml and jenkingfile as well. Have to wait till I get Administrative permission. But this should not be the only place . As exclusion should be overridden by pom.xml or some other method as well like arguments!
in Jenkins file instead of
sonar: [projectKey: ‘****’, ‘java.libraries’: '/root/.m2/repository/org/projectlombok/lombok//lombok-.jar’,‘sonar.coverage.exclusions’: 'src/main/java/com/**/.java’]
sonar: [projectKey: ‘****’, ‘java.libraries’: '/root/.m2/repository/org/projectlombok/lombok//lombok-.jar’,‘coverage.exclusions’: 'src/main/java/com/**/.java’]
Here in Jenkins logs sonar as getting appendend hence it was becoming sonar.sonar.coverage.exclusions and it was being ignored by SonarQube . Quite Strange ! Everywhere it was asked to use key as ‘sonar.coverage.exclusions:{package pattern}’