Sonar.log error: Two methods with same method signature

We are getting below error message at sonar.log, I am clueless about this error, could you please check.

  • versions used: SonarQube Developer edition 6.7.5
  • error observed :
    Two methods with same method signature but not providing classes assignable? "public abstract boolean java.util.List.isEmpty()" and "public boolean java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableCollection.isEmpty()" please report!
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Note that such logs (with no timestamp prefix) usually come from underlying libraries, and not from SonarQube itself. The ‘please report’ is therefore not logged in any SonarQube/SonarSource context, and can be ignored if there is no functional impact.
No action needed at this stage. You can ignore such log occurrence - it’s been improved in latest versions of SonarQube (starting with 7.1) when this kind of message will not be logged.


I am also seeing these messages on console. Cannot make out any specific pattern of when it comes. Like it has been mentioned above, might get resolved post upgrade (using version 6.7.4 currently).