Sonar Lint does not work when solution is open but work when single project is opened

  • Operating system: Windows 11
  • SonarLint plugin version:
  • Jetbrains Rider version: 2023.1.3
  • Programming language you’re coding in: C#
  • Is connected mode used: No (AFAIK)

And a thorough description of the problem / question:
Our project has following folder structure

├── build
    ├── x.sln
└── src
    ├── a/a.csproj
    ├── a.SpecFlowTests/a.SpecFlowTests.csproj
    ├── a.Fullflow.SpecFlowTests/a.Fullflow.SpecFlowTests.csproj
    ├── a.IntegrationTests/a.IntegrationTests.csproj
    ├── a.TestsUtils/a.TestsUtils.csproj
    ├── aTests/aTest.csproj
    └── RabbitMQ

11 directories

When I open the x.sln SonarLint does not show any errors - nothing. empty. instant inspection without any message.

When I open for eg. just a.csproj SonarLint works perfectly.


What I have tried:

  • Reinstalling Sonarlint
  • Reinstalling Rider
  • Invalidate Caches
  • Opening in Visual Studio with SonarLint

How can I fix it?
Why this is happening?

Sonarlint run when I open just a.csproj

Hello @Tymisko,

I suspect it was due to the Solution file being in a subfolder but I was not able to reproduce your problem. Could you please enable verbose logs and share them with us?

Hello. Thanks for your getting involved. I thought my post would be abandoned.

Analysing 'Program.cs'...
Starting analysis with configuration:
  baseDir: C:\Users\USER\repo\XYZ\backend\build
  extraProperties: {sonar.cs.internal.solutionPath=C:\Users\USER\repo\XYZ\backend\build\a.sln, sonar.cs.internal.dotnetCliExeLocation=C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe, sonar.cs.internal.msBuildPath=C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\7.0.102}
  moduleKey: Module: 'rider.module'
  excludedRules: []
  includedRules: []
  ruleParameters: {}
  inputFiles: [
    file:///C:/Users/USER/repo/XYZ/backend/src/a/Program.cs (UTF-8)

Start analysis
Index files
1 file indexed
Added 186 checks for language='ts', repository='typescript'
Added 184 checks for language='js', repository='javascript'
'OmniSharp' skipped because there is no related files in the current project
Execute Sensor: HTML
Execute Sensor: TextAndSecretsSensor
1 source file to be analyzed
1/1 source file has been analyzed
'JavaScript/TypeScript analysis' skipped because there is no related files in the current project
'JavaScript inside YAML analysis' skipped because there is no related files in the current project
'JavaScript inside HTML analysis' skipped because there is no related files in the current project
Execute Sensor: CSS Rules
No CSS, PHP, HTML or VueJS files are found in the project. CSS analysis is skipped.
Done in 155ms

Processed 0 issues
Found 0 issues and 0 hotspots

Entire logs: sonarlint-logs.txt (38.6 KB)

Hi @Tymisko,

We found the origin of the problem, it’s a regression we introduced in version 8.3 when the solution file is not in the root folder. I created this ticket to fix the problem, I am not sure we have the bandwidth to fix that immediately. You can always revert to the 8.2 via the Marketplace and offline installation while waiting for the fix. The other option would be to put your solution file in the root folder.

Thanks for raising this and sorry for the inconvenience

Thank you