Sonar groovy language doesn't show coverage

Hello, I analyze a project with groovy language and it didn’t show coverage value. On Quality Gate I set it should at least pass 80% coverage. Is it only on groovy? (I have 6 project with groovy language and none of them shows coverage while my java project and javascript project shows coverage)


If you are utilizing the commmunity plugin for Groovy, you will need to get in touch with the maintainer of that repo for any questions you have – it also looks like there is some documentation available in the README of that repo for analysis parameters you can use to pass coverage data.


Hello Fanny,

You can also used the JaCoCo Plugin provided by SonarSource to load JaCoCo data provided in XML format:

This feature is language agnostic, it means if you can generate a JaCoCo XML report for your Groovy project, you will be able to load its content into SonarQube.
