Sonar does not analyze XML resources

Sonar does not analyze XML resources

This is how i set up my Java Gradle project.


Analysis is performed via GitHub Actions

In another project, there are some secrets and passwords hardcoded in xml files. I have discovered that SonarCloud has rules for XML files one of those is xml:S2068

But the analysis result does not show issues inside my sample xml file.

is there any additional setup required to get my xml files analyzed?

Hey there.

Have you checked to see if issues have been raised on those files as Security Hotspots in your project?

No, no security hotspots

Overview - test-server in internalerror SonarCloud

Thanks. If you can share the project link, can you share a link to the full repo? That would make it easy to debug.

Repository: gatzka-swp/sonar-test (
SonarCloud Project: Overview - test-server in internalerror SonarCloud


${sourceSets.main.allJava.srcDirs} is being used to populate sonar.sources, and it appears that src/main/resources isn’t a part of that.

You can adjust that source set, or fiddle with sonar.sources.

project(":test-server") {
                properties["sonar.sources"] += "src/main/resources/"

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