Sonar Cloud does not display coverage with Jacoco

Hey guys, I’m not able to import from JaCoCo coverage report in XML format for SonarCloud with GitHub Actions. I follow this tutorial Java Test Coverage | SonarCloud Docs but I didn’t succeed.

I’m stuck on this for days and I can’t solve it, can someone please help me? :cry:


Thanks for providing the logs link out of the gate!

Your log indicates that it’s a PR that’s under analysis. For PRs we’re only going to report on the file that were changed in the PR. In this PR, were any code changes made? Or was it all non-code changes, such as configuration?


Hi, Ana
Since it was an old PR, I don’t remember if there were any code changes. That’s why I decided to create a new PR containing modifications and removed a test class.
Link PR: PR GitHub and in Sonar Cloud: PR SonarCloud


Thanks for the links!

When I look at the PR in SonarCloud, I see this:

You changed 79 lines in the PR, but according to this, none of them were code(?).

There’s not a lot we can do in a PR with removed code. We don’t even report what issues that eliminates.

Can you do a PR that adds code?


Wow, G Ann Campbell, it worked! Thank you so much! I was thrilled to see the coverage % for both the PR and the branch.

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