Sonar Analysis failing during analysing

Hi team,

I am trying to analyze a .net project and getting an error while running the code analysis:

The error says the base directory module does not exist, but I have verified it is the directory that exists.


Hi Abhishek,

Could you copy/paste the text of that? In fact, it would be helpful to have the full analysis log, including the analysis command itself.



Hi Ann

I have attached the full logs. Regarding command since we are using the SonarQube with Azure DevOps there is only SonarQube extension that is used in the pipeline.

SohailLogs.txt (12.1 KB)

Hi @ganncamp

Could you please let use know the workaround for the issue?



Any update??

Hi Team,

Any udpdate on this?

Hi @sohailshaikh001 and @aanvekar001

Any particular reason why you are analyzing a node_modules folder ?

Hi @mickaelcaro

we are not analyzing node_module, we have tried to exclude that but unable to do so, even if we try to exclude the node directory it shows the error message node base directory module does not exist.

we have checked that the directory exists, please let us know the workaround for the issue.


Thanks. How did you configure sonar exclusions and, did you set somewhere the sonar.projectBaseDir property ?


configuration is as below, we have tried two option i.e. Sonar.exclusion and Sonar.module but no luck


Can you try by putting a know env variable from Azure (like $System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) just before the 2-stars wildcard ?

Hi @mickaelcaro

We tired that as well, still the same result.



do you have any solution to exclude these modules? any other way to do it?


Hi @sohailshaikh001

Does the node_modules or at least files that can be inside are included as resources in your csproj ?