SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) of Sonarqube Data Center edition

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    Hi, I am trying to get the exact SKU number/name for “Sonarqube Data Center edition” (upto 20M line of code). I have recommended to this to a client who runs CI/CD environments in their data center. They need an exact SKU name for Bill of materials. Can anyone help please?

Hi @VijayK

SonarQube Data Center Edition up to 20M LOC seems good SKU name, if you ask for a quote at SonarSource.
We don’t provide SKU number here. If you need a quote, you will find the description of the product and the pricing in front, related to Data Center Edition 20M LOC. You should reach out to, or to your Sales Rep, to move forward here.

Let me know if that answered your question,

Thank you @Carine_Bayon !

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