Settings for code duplications and how does code duplication work?

When having the below 2 classes, Teamscale tells me at least the code fragment ranging from private final int a; until the last } in the second if statement of the equals method are definetly duplicates. In SonarQube it tells me there is no duplication at all. Why is it like that?

I read up on the topic but could not find that much detailed docs, it states a fragment has to have at least 10 duplicated statements to be recognized as duplicate. What does count as a statement? When I count in the Methodheads it is more than 10 otherwise less than 10. Can I adjust this value? Also can I adjust this value for a specific package without changing it for others?

public class A
    private final int a;

    public A(final int a)
        this.a = a;

    public int getA()
        return a;

    public boolean equals(Object other)
        if (other == null)
            return false;

        if (this.getClass() != other.getClass())
            return false;

        A otherA = (A) other;

        return a == otherA.a;

public class B{

    private final int b;

    public B(final int b)
        this.b = b;

    public int getB()
        return b;

    public boolean equals(Object other)
        if (other == null)
            return false;

        if (this.getClass() != other.getClass())
            return false;

        B otherB = (B) other;

        return b == otherB.b;


We crafted our own duplication detection engine, so it’s not surprising that you get a different result in other tools. It may help to take a look at the language-specific details for the Metric definition for duplications.


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I’m not really sure where I can change those values. Also would it be possible to adjust those values based on in which folder those files are? F.e. Files in should have a threshold of 15 statements where should have a threshold of 10.


For tuning the values, take a look at the sonar.cpd.* analysis parameters. You can do this on an analysis-wide basis but not at a directory level.


Please note that the sonar.cpd.* parameters are not used by the Java plugin.