See CD/CI instructions on existing project?

Version: Self hosted Sonarqube developer edition 10.6
How is SonarQube deployed: zip
What are you trying to achieve: get CI/CD instructions
What have you tried so far to achieve this: browse through the webUI


I’m fairly new to Sonarqube. I have imported a project from our local Gitlab to our local Sonarqube instance and succesfully set up a Gitlab CI/CD pipeline with integration of Sonarqube.

When importing a project to Sonarqube you get guided through a wizard and at the end of the wizard Sonarqube asks you which language your code is and when answered Sonarqube provides you with some rudimentary CI/CD instructions to include in your Gitlab CI/CD file (gitlab-ci.yml). I feel like I might have accidently stripped some of those instructions and I’d like to see them again. Where do I find these instructions in the Sonarqube webUI on an already imported Gitlab project?

Personally, I would love if we had an easy link back to the analysis tutorial on SonarQube. We actually do have that on SonarCloud.

In SonarQube, you can manually go to http://localhost:9000/tutorials?id=projectKey (replace localhost:9000 and projectKey with the right values).

In any case, I’ll flag this feedback for attention. I know it has come up before.

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Thank you, @szxcsxz, and welcome to the community!

I have recorded your suggestion for future consideration. It does indeed seem like an easy thing to add.


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I thought i was overlooking something, ran through the menu’s a million times :smiley: Thank you! This works :slight_smile:

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