Connected to SonarCloud or SonarQube (and which version): SonarCloud
And a thorough description of the problem / question:
Security Hotspots tab is not showing security hotspot found after the scan; as you can see in the screenshot in OUTPUT terminal there is a security hotpost but Security Hotspots is empty.
On SonarCloud, the security hotpost is shown.
Thanks for your post . As it seems from your screenshot, you do not have a file open for which the Hotspot was detected. By default, the Security Hotspots view will only display findings for open files.
If you want to see Hotspots for the whole folder, you might want to select the In whole folder option.
Could you also share a screenshot from the SonarCloud UI of how this hotspot is shown there? Also, it could be helpful if you could share the full SonarLint output logs as a text file here.
This is very weird. I tried to go through exactly the same scenario as you with the same code snippet. And I see the hotspot detected both locally, and on SonarCloud. I don’t see anything wrong with your logs either
As one more debug step, could you
Close the file
Reload VSCode window
Go to VSCode > Help > Toggle Developer Tools > Console
Clear the console
Open the file to trigger analysis
Share the screenshot here
Also, does any hotspot appear when you try the in whole folder option?
Is this hotspot detected for New Code or Overall Code on SonarCloud? And what is the SonarLint focus value? You will be able to see it by clicking inside the file and hovering over the status bar item as in this screenshot.
Sorry, but I don’t think this is a real professional support; if you cannot reproduce this issue maybe there is other variables that you’re not considering.