Scan of C project only detecting code duplications

I did some further investigation and was able to find this topic on the forum: Empty build-wrapper-dump.json when runing on amazonlinux.

It appears I am experiencing the same issue and the problem is the name of my compiler. We are using a version of gcc included as part of MCUExpresso from NXP. The full name of the compiler is ‘arm-none-eabi-gcc’. I tested creating a symbolic link ‘gcc’ to existing the compiler and confirmed that we now see proper analysis.

Unfortunately, renaming or creating symbolic links to the compiler is not a great long-term solution for us. What is the process for requesting additional compiler support built into build-wrapper?

I would also like to put my support behind a clean way to “whitelist” additional compilers. I saw your reasoning for not doing this in the thread that I linked. However, it can be worked around by renaming or sym linking anyway. Direct whitelisting via parameters or properties would certainly be a better experience for users with legitimate use cases.