We are using SonarQube LTS 7.9.6 in our environment.
A Scala based project is showing bugs related to Java where the code is made in Scala 2.11
We were using below property in previous version of SonarQube(7.1) and it worked fine without any issues: <sonar.language>scala</sonar.language>
We learnt that this property is deprecated in SonarQube 7.9.6.
Do we have any alternate mechanism in place to ensure that project is analysed by scala explicitly ?
Hi Vaibhav,
Could you share the detail of one java issue to better understand it?
It would be interesting to know if issues are really on *.java files and not on *.xml (because the java analyzer (< 7.6) also reports issues on XML files related to the java ecosystem)
We have pure scala based project and there is no .java file in the project. Please find attached screenshot for java rules that is being applied to .scala files.
This is happening due to a pecularity of spotbugs/sonar-findbugs (a community-supported plugin not developed, maintained or supported by SonarSource) which declares that it can analyze Scala but simply runs all of its Java rules on this code.
I’d suggest…
raising an issue with the maintainer
creating a new (possibly empty) Quality Profile for Java that you assign to this project
remove the Findbugs plugin from your SonarQube installation