We have a nextjs/react/web project. In the component library we have a react component:
type ParallaxImagesProps = {
images: ImageReference[];
export const ParallaxImages = (props: ParallaxImagesProps) => {
const { images } = useParallaxImages(props);
// ...
The hook useParallaxImages
const useParallaxImages = ({ images } : ParallaxImagesProps) => {
// ... logic...
return {
images: images.map((img, idx) => {
// ... logic ...
The error we get is:
‘images’ PropType is defined but prop is never used
Marked as a code smell, major.
The issue is shown on the ParallaxImagesProps
I can resolve the error by using props.images
but seeing that my hook destructs the props and images is used, this seems like a false positive.
Is this a known issue with SonarCloud and type checks?
(G Ann Campbell)
Welcome to the community!
Could you help us by identifying the rule that’s raising the issue? The ID will look like S123
I’ll have to recreate it, the Sonar console doesn’t give me access to previous failed runs on our PRs.
The id is typescript:S6767
The code is not totally identically as the code base has moved forward, but same error
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(G Ann Campbell)
Thanks for this! I’ve flagged the thread for the language experts.
Hello Richard,
Thank you for posting. I’m trying to write a reproducer for your issue, but have not been able to reproduce it so far.
Here is what I tried, can you have a look?
type ImageReference = number;
type ParallaxImagesProps = {
images: ImageReference[]; // Noncompliant: issue raised here
const useParallaxImages = ({ images }: ParallaxImagesProps) => {
// ... logic...
return {
images: images.map((img, idx) => {
// ... logic ...
export const ParallaxImages = (props: ParallaxImagesProps) => {
const { images } = useParallaxImages(props);
Hey Ilia,
I’ve tried it on a number of components, and got the same warning. I made smaller sample and got:
The types are more complex, but here is the example:
enum ImageOrientation {
left = 'left',
right = 'right',
type ImageReference = {
valid: boolean;
uid: string;
href: string;
type ParallaxEffect = {
orientation: ImageOrientation;
size: string;
href: string;
type ParallaxImagesProps = {
images: ImageReference[];
const useParallaxImages = ({ images }: ParallaxImagesProps) => {
return {
images: images.map((img, idx) => {
return {
size: '1',
orientation: ImageOrientation.left,
const ParallaxImage = ({ orientation, size, href }: ParallaxEffect) => {
return (
<div>{orientation}, {size}, {href}</div>
export const ParallaxImages = (props: ParallaxImagesProps) => {
const { images } = useParallaxImages(props);
return (
images.map(i => i.valid && <ParallaxImage key={i.uid} orientation={i.orientation} href={i.href} size={i.size} />)
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Thank you for the complete and working reproducer. I have opened a ticket to track this issue: Jira
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(Elon Mallin)
I have a similar example but a few more abstractions to get to the destructuring in the end so this should be the same error right?