S3900 warnings and extension methods

S3900: “Arguments of public methods should be validated against null” currently fires for the this parameter in C# extension methods:

public void LogCustomError(this ILogger logger, string errorMessage)
   // Triggers S3900 for `logger`

This seems questionable, I think, because if someone calls an extension method on a null variable, then we’d actually expect to get a NullReferenceException:

ILogger myLogger = null;

// We'd expect this to throw a NullReferenceException, even though LogCustomError() is an extension method.
myLogger.LogCustomError("encountered error");

Microsoft has CA1062, which does the same thing as S3900, and there’s a way to disable the CA1062 warning for extension methods: CA1062: Validate arguments of public methods (code analysis) - .NET | Microsoft Learn

I’d like to request that SonarQube also have some way to disable S3900 warnings for extension methods :slightly_smiling_face:

(Alternatively, perhaps the best way for us to handle this is to activate CA1062 warnings and disable S3900 warnings, since they’re essentially duplicates?)

Hey there.

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  • SonarQube
    • Enterprise Edition Version 8.9.9 (build 56886)
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    • No
  • SonarLint
    • No

This seems questionable, I think, because if someone calls an extension method on a null variable, then we’d actually expect to get a NullReferenceException (…)

Do we? I would strongly disagree. Extension methods are (nice) syntactic sugar. I would argue that you what to guard and throw an ArgumentNullException instead.

Hi @Bosch-Eli-Black,

Thanks for your feedback.

I my opinion it’s better to handle the “this” parameter in a similar way to be able to “fail fast”. You could also manually check for null and throw a NullReferenceException.

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