S1172 Gives false positives when parameter is used in switch or switch expressio in a local function

I have a few S1172 false positives in my C# code that look something like this:

private static string Test(string currentUnit)
    return GetLongUnit();

    string GetLongUnit()
        return currentUnit switch
            "M" => "Meters",
            _ => "Yards"

In this case the currentUnit parameter is marked as not being used, although to me it appears it is.

Obviously if I change the code to something like this:

private static string Test(string currentUnit)
    return GetLongUnit(currentUnit);

    string GetLongUnit(string unit)
        return unit switch
            "M" => "Meters",
            _ => "Yards"

It makes the analyzer happy.

It appears to me that this only happens with the parameter used in a switch expression or switch case. At least I haven’t found any other case where it happens. As soon as I use currentUnit in a different way in the local function the analyzer becomes happy and does not report the parameter not being used.

This issue seems to start occurring after we updated SonarAnalyzer.CSharp to

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I agree this is a false positive. It turns out that local (non-static) methods are not taken into account here.

Hello @Tomasz

I confirm this False Positive. I added a re-producer to our code base and created an internal ticket to track our work on it.

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Thank you Martin and Corniel!

Looking forward to a fix getting out :slight_smile: