[RFF] Azure Active Directory (AAD) Authentication Plug-in for SonarQube 1.1

Dear community,

We would like to release a new version of the Azure Active Directory (AAD) Authentication Plug-in for SonarQube

Please have a look and let us know if there is any blocker or issue prevent the release.

What is new?

  • Support SonarQube >=7.1

  • Apply branding guidelines for Azure Active Directory (#52)

  • Adding support for National cloud deployments

  • Support for Azure Multi-Factor Authentication


  • Documentation updates to match new Azure portal.
  • Fix an issue with user ID uniqueness cause the upgrade from older versions to fail.

How to try?

The feedback period will end in 5 days. (8th October 2018)

Hello :slight_smile:

Do you plan on making a formal release of this version? We (SonarSource) have gone ahead and marked v1.0 of this plugin incompatible past v7.0, which unfortunately it was not before.

If you don’t have plans to release v1.1, it’s worth discussing whether or not sonar-auth-aad can stay in the marketplace, as installing v1.0 on a 6.7 LTS instance currently causes any database migration past 7.2 to fail, and database migrations failing (especially with the pending LTS) is no bueno.

Best regards,


Unfortunately, we’ve been a little busy and the release was really delayed. I’ve just published a new version with the db fix and will be making an announce topic shortly.

Also, as far as I can tell, there’s no way for us to initiate db fixes from within our plugin, so a manual query will be needed. If there is a way, I’d be glad to push out an update with that included.

Hi @motoko,

I’ve seen the release of the AAD version 1.1, thank you !
About the database required update, we’ll do that in SonarQube 7.9 (https://jira.sonarsource.com/browse/SONAR-12120).
It will allow users to upgrade to SQ 7.9 + AAD 1.1 without encountering existing issues.

Julien Lancelot

Thank you all!

The AAD Authentication plug-in will work in community edition? i have added jar of the plugin and configure the Azure Active Directory based on documentation and restart the sonar. but still there is no option appear into login page for Microsoft login option. Any idea ?


Instead of commenting on an old topic (admittedly the easiest path, but not looked at very fondly by other users), why not open an issue on the relevant GitHub repoistory? I bet if you read the docs there, you might even be able to answer your own question.

For now I will lock this topic, as its purpose has been fulfilled.

Best regards,
