Remove deprecated ARIA roles from rule typescript:S6819

Several deprecated ARIA roles are being suggested in rule typescript:S6819.

See WAI-ARIA Roles - Accessibility | MDN

Forcing these deprecated tags to be used is not best practice and sprinkling NOSONAR all over the place is also not ideal.

I’ve also noticed these strange rules, particularly requiring <menuitem> a long deprecated html tag

@tim-soft Could you point us to the spec where this is deprecated? On the MDN webpage, it is not mentioned.

@efenderbosch - Could you mention, which roles you are referring to?


From the MDN page I linked:

Avoid using button, checkbox, gridcell, link, menuitem, menuitemcheckbox, menuitemradio, option, progressbar, radio, and textbox, which we’ve included for completeness.

Additionally will show if a feature is supported or deprecated.