Release and deprecation of GitHub action for C, C++, and Objective-C with SonarQube Cloud

Hello SonarQube Cloud users!

We want to inform you that we will be soon releasing a new minor version (v3.2.0) of our GitHub action for C, C++, and Objective-C with SonarQube Cloud (sonarcloud-github-c-cpp).

:warning: DEPRECATION WARNING :warning:

This new version of the GitHub action for C, C++, and Objective-C with SonarQube Cloud (sonarcloud-github-c-cpp) is going to be the last one specifically designed for these languages.

The action is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

Since v4.2, the GitHub action for SonarQube (sonarqube-scan-action) supports C, C++, and Objective-C, and is the unique entrypoint to SonarQube Server and Cloud!

The unified action fixes issues with SSL certificates and brings new features, such as the possibility of specifying the Sonar Scanner CLI version. You can read more in this community post and in the README of the action.

Migration instructions

If the action is used to install both the SonarScanner CLI and the Build Wrapper:

  • replace sonarcloud-github-c-cpp with the latest version of SonarSource/sonarqube-scan-action/install-build-wrapper
  • if the step calling the action is named Install sonar-scanner and build-wrapper, or something similar, rename it to Install Build Wrapper
  • replace the step calling sonar-scanner with a step using SonarSource/sonarqube-scan-action
  • the arguments passed to sonar-scanner should be passed to the action via the args input parameter

If the action is used to install the SonarScanner CLI, and the Build Wrapper is not required:

  • remove the sonarcloud-github-c-cpp step altogether
  • replace the step calling sonar-scanner with a step using SonarSource/sonarqube-scan-action
  • the arguments passed to sonar-scanner should be passed to the action via the args input parameter

Check the C++ section in the README of the sonarqube-scan-action, as well as sample C and C++ projects with SonarQube Cloud analysis configured for complete and fully working examples.

Notice that, if you update to sonarcloud-github-c-cpp@v3.2.0, you will receive warnings in logs and annotations encouraging you to move to the latest version of sonarqube-scan-action.

You may already have noticed the warnings above if you are using sonarcloud-github-c-cpp@master instead of a specific version (which we don’t recommend doing, unless you want to always automatically be on the latest version, at the risk of occasionally breaking your pipeline).

We don’t expect any issue migrating and we encourage you to move to sonarqube-scan-action@v4. Should you encounter any issues, don’t hesitate to create a new post here in the community describing your scenario and providing logs.

Best regards,


Hi everybody,

We have just released v3.2.0!
You can find release notes here and marketplace page for the new version of the action here.


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