Regular expression in Javascript


I’m using the sonarqube developer edition 8.1 and after sonarqube scans I see 46 instances of Make sure that using a regular expression is safe here error as Security Hotspots.

  1. Why Don’t I see any severity for security hotspots ?
  2. How do I conclude if it’s really an error or false-positive?

Thank you

Hi Farheen,

I like to describe Security Hotspots as Shroedinger’s Vulnerabilities: you won’t know if there’s a problem or not until you look. And since they’re only potential problems, we don’t assign a severity.

In later versions (we’re on 8.7 now; you might want to catch up :wink:) we’ve crafted a special interface around Security Hotspot review. I guess in 8.1 you simply want to consult the rule description; it should give you what you need.


Thank you for your response Ann,

Are there any major differences between 81. and 8.7? Could you please share release notes if possible. Are there any functions deprecated?


Hi Farheen,

You’ll find release notes links for each version on the Downloads page.
