Question Regarding the environment for Sonarqube Run for Android Framework development(AOSP)


I need to ask two questions, please help me regarding this–

My project build Android AOSP source code using makefiles. AOSP C, C++ and Java files. We do not use Eclipse or visual studio to build the source.

So My question is:-

1. Is there a support specific to Android where we can test Android based feature development. Android is a huge code base and we do not want to run Sonarqube on the Google’s part of source code, but only on our source code, which is a very small subset.

**2.**Is there a command line version of Sonarqube that supports Android AOSP, which we can run independent of Eclipse or Visual studio. It takes a considerable effort to get our source code compiled in Eclipse environment, and we are not willing to spend that time on it now.

Please help me regarding this asap, as it is important for me to decide whether I can go for the commercial edition or not.


You’ll control this with how you configure your analysis. There’s a nice discussion under “Ignore Files” on this page.

Analysis is entirely independent of the IDE. You’ll need to compile before analysis, and then use… I guess the Gradle Scanner(?) to analyze. Note that there’s also a CLI scanner.


Hi @ganncamp,

I have a full open source code of Android(AOSP). When we build, it will build whole android OS through Makefile using Linux Terminal. And, my piece of code also get compiled with it. We don’t use any IDE for the compilation of Android open source(AOSP) project.
My feature is based on utilities provided by Android source code. Once I try to use Eclipse or Visual Studio, It is giving a lot of error in resolving native dependencies.
So please let me know how to go about this requirement of mine? Do I need to use the IDE to compile or can we run SonarQube on a project which we are compiling using Make build in terminal?


Sorry for the delay.

Are we talking about Java files? I’ve been assuming, and that always causes problems. For Java analysis you need to compile - however you want to accomplish that - and feed the source and class files into analysis. For most other languages, no compilation is needed (altho we do assume compilable files) just feed in the source.
