[Question] Cannot scan dotnet core project

Must-share information (formatted with Markdown):

dotnet tool install --global dotnet-sonarscanner
dotnet sonarscanner begin /k: "project-key"
dotnet build <path to solution.sln>
dotnet sonarscanner end
but when I exec command dotnet sonarscanner begin /k: "project-key"
Here is the result:

Could not execute because the specified command or file was not found.
Possible reasons for this include:

  • You misspelled a built-in dotnet command.
  • You intended to execute a .NET Core program, but dotnet-sonarscanner does not exist.
  • You intended to run a global tool, but a dotnet-prefixed executable with this name could not be found on the PATH.

Does any khow why? Thanks!

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Hello @tuanna2704,

Difficult to be sure but that looks like that:

  • Either your dotnet-sonarscanner installation failed
  • Or you installed a too old version of the dotnet-sonarscanner

Can you try: dotnet tool list -g to check all the installed tools and verify that the dotnet-sonarscanner is installed, in version 4.8

If thatā€™s not the case:

  • If not installed, run install again dotnet tool install --global dotnet-sonarscanner to install and check any possible installation error message
  • If not version 4.8, upgrade with dotnet tool update --global dotnet-sonarscanner

Then let me know where you are.


Hi Olivier Korach. Its havenā€™t work. Thanks for your supporting. Below is my screen. Maybe it can help.

Sorry for the delay.

You donā€™t run the scanner with the right command. Please check documentation
This should be:
dotnet sonarscanner begin /k:<myProjectKey>
and not
dotnet dotnet-sonarscanner begin /k:<myProjectKey>

Once you fixed your cmd line you may have another problem: Thereā€™s a dotnet strange behaviour (a bug ?) that causes just installed tools to not be immediately accessible to run.
There are quite some posts on the internet about that, with a variety of solutions.
See https://github.com/dotnet/sdk/issues/8999 and https://github.com/dotnet/cli/issues/8369
You may try the recipes given there.

I could also reproduce a similar problem in a docker container.
I had to set the $PATH env variable before the scanner could be used

dotnet tool install dotnet-sonarscanner --global
export PATH="$PATH:/root/.dotnet/tools"
dotnet sonarscanner begin /k:<myProjectKey>

Let me know.


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