Quality gate passed regardless of code coverage

I already checked this post but my problem seems different. I am running a Jenkins server (version 2.479.1) on an EC2 instance with Ubuntu 24.04. On this server, I have a simple Jenkins pipeline to test a node.js backend service (pipeline code provided below). I’m using SonarQube Scanner version within the pipeline. Additionally, I have a separate EC2 instance with SonarQube server version 10.7 running on Ubuntu 24.04.

Before running the pipeline for the first time, I created a project for my backend service in SonarQube, set up global settings, and attached the default Sonarqube quality gate (see specs of this quality gate in image 1) This quality gate is configured to require at least 80% code coverage. I then commented out the majority of tests in my backend service code to ensure the coverage would be low for debugging reason.

I triggered the pipeline via a GitHub push webhook, and it completed successfully (see the console output of jenkins for the relevant stages below). The Jenkins console output and the SonarQube project both indicate that the quality gate was passed, even though SonarQube shows the code coverage as 29.8% (see attached Image 2).

Based on my understanding, this outcome should not be possible: either the coverage is not being assessed correctly, or, if the coverage is indeed 29.8%, the quality gate should have failed. My desired outcome is for the pipeline to fail due to the quality gate not being passed.

Image 1 (default sonarqube quality gate):

Image 2 (status of project with covare of 28.9% coverage):

Jenkins pipeline code:

pipeline {
    agent any
    triggers {
    environment {
        MONGODB_URI = credentials('MONGODB_URI')
        JWT_SECRET_KEY = credentials('JWT_SECRET_KEY')
    tools { nodejs 'nodejs' }
    stages {
        stage('Verify Webhook') {
            steps {
                script {
                    echo "Webhook triggered successfully! GitHub push event detected."
        stage('Install Dependencies') {
            steps {
                script {
                    sh 'rm -rf node_modules package-lock.json'
                    sh 'npm install || { echo "Dependency installation failed"; exit 1; }'
        stage('Run Unit Tests') {
            steps {
                script {
                    sh 'npm test -- --coverage || { echo "Unit tests failed"; exit 1; }'
        stage('Sonar Code Analysis') {
            environment {
                scannerHome = tool 'sonarscanner'
            steps {
                withSonarQubeEnv('sonarqube') {
                    sh '''${scannerHome}/bin/sonar-scanner \
                        -Dsonar.projectKey=bettersoon_owner_profile_service \
                        -Dsonar.projectName=bettersoon_owner_profile_service \
                        -Dsonar.javascript.lcov.reportPaths=coverage/lcov.info \
                        -Dsonar.projectVersion=1.0 \
                        -Dsonar.verbose=true \
                        -Dsonar.sources=src \
        stage('Sonarqube quality gate') {
            steps {
                script {
                    try {
                        timeout(time: 2, unit: 'MINUTES') {
                            def qg = waitForQualityGate(pollingIntervalInSeconds: 15)
                            if (qg.status != 'OK') {
                                error "Pipeline aborted due to SonarQube quality gate failure: ${qg.status}"
                    } catch (org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.FlowInterruptedException e) {
                        error "Pipeline aborted due to timeout waiting for SonarQube quality gate results."
        stage('Final Cleanup') {
            steps {
                script {
                    sh 'sleep 100 && rm -rf node_modules'

Jenkins console output for stages ‘sonar code analysis’ and ‘sonarqube quality gate’:

[Pipeline] { (Sonar Code Analysis)
[Pipeline] tool
[Pipeline] withEnv
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] tool
[Pipeline] envVarsForTool
[Pipeline] withEnv
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] withSonarQubeEnv
Injecting SonarQube environment variables using the configuration: sonarqube
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] sh
+ /var/lib/jenkins/tools/hudson.plugins.sonar.SonarRunnerInstallation/sonarscanner/bin/sonar-scanner -Dsonar.projectKey=bettersoon_owner_profile_service -Dsonar.projectName=bettersoon_owner_profile_service -Dsonar.javascript.lcov.reportPaths=coverage/lcov.info -Dsonar.projectVersion=1.0 -Dsonar.verbose=true -Dsonar.sources=src -Dsonar.tests=__test__
07:37:42.827 INFO  Scanner configuration file: /var/lib/jenkins/tools/hudson.plugins.sonar.SonarRunnerInstallation/sonarscanner/conf/sonar-scanner.properties
07:37:42.833 INFO  Project root configuration file: NONE
07:37:42.871 INFO  SonarScanner CLI
07:37:42.874 INFO  Java 17.0.12 Ubuntu (64-bit)
07:37:42.875 INFO  Linux 6.8.0-1018-aws amd64
07:37:42.923 DEBUG Scanner max available memory: 964 MB
07:37:42.976 DEBUG uname -m returned 'x86_64'
07:37:42.978 DEBUG Create: /var/lib/jenkins/.sonar/cache
07:37:42.978 INFO  User cache: /var/lib/jenkins/.sonar/cache
07:37:42.978 DEBUG Create: /var/lib/jenkins/.sonar/cache/_tmp
07:37:43.813 DEBUG Loaded [438] system trusted certificates
07:37:44.176 DEBUG --> GET
07:37:44.252 DEBUG <-- 200 (75ms, 12-byte body)
07:37:44.256 INFO  JRE provisioning: os[linux], arch[x86_64]
07:37:44.261 DEBUG --> GET
07:37:44.280 DEBUG <-- 200 (18ms, unknown-length body)
07:37:44.302 DEBUG Executing: /var/lib/jenkins/.sonar/cache/bcb1b7b8ad68c93093f09b591b7cb17161d39891f7d29d33a586f5a328603707/OpenJDK17U-jre_x64_linux_hotspot_17.0.11_9.tar.gz_extracted/jdk-17.0.11+9-jre/bin/java --version
07:37:44.361 DEBUG openjdk 17.0.11 2024-04-16
07:37:44.362 DEBUG OpenJDK Runtime Environment Temurin-17.0.11+9 (build 17.0.11+9)
07:37:44.362 DEBUG OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Temurin-17.0.11+9 (build 17.0.11+9, mixed mode, sharing)
07:37:44.369 DEBUG --> GET
07:37:44.376 DEBUG <-- 200 (6ms, unknown-length body)
07:37:44.379 INFO  Communicating with SonarQube Server
07:37:44.380 DEBUG Work directory: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/.scannerwork
07:37:44.393 DEBUG Executing: /var/lib/jenkins/.sonar/cache/bcb1b7b8ad68c93093f09b591b7cb17161d39891f7d29d33a586f5a328603707/OpenJDK17U-jre_x64_linux_hotspot_17.0.11_9.tar.gz_extracted/jdk-17.0.11+9-jre/bin/java -jar /var/lib/jenkins/.sonar/cache/d5653c126135ff7d09813343eecfaa5f971529fd7e75aa30085a33bd426a5c6c/sonar-scanner-engine-shaded-
07:37:45.165 INFO  Starting SonarScanner Engine...
07:37:45.167 INFO  Java 17.0.11 Eclipse Adoptium (64-bit)
07:37:45.343 DEBUG JVM max available memory: 964 MB
07:37:45.711 DEBUG Community
07:37:46.051 DEBUG Sonar User Home: /var/lib/jenkins/.sonar
07:37:47.176 DEBUG Loaded [438] system trusted certificates
07:37:47.734 INFO  Load global settings
07:37:47.769 DEBUG --> GET
07:37:47.851 DEBUG <-- 200 (82ms, 6675-byte body)
07:37:47.942 INFO  Load global settings (done) | time=207ms
07:37:47.945 INFO  Server id: 147B411E-AZMFlhLjdQ6WWOpPbrId
07:37:47.951 DEBUG User cache: /var/lib/jenkins/.sonar/cache
07:37:47.972 INFO  Loading required plugins
07:37:47.975 INFO  Load plugins index
07:37:47.976 DEBUG --> GET
07:37:47.985 DEBUG <-- 200 (11ms, unknown-length body)
07:37:47.995 INFO  Load plugins index (done) | time=20ms
07:37:47.995 INFO  Load/download plugins
07:37:48.107 INFO  Load/download plugins (done) | time=113ms
07:37:48.110 DEBUG Plugins not loaded because they are optional: [csharp, flex, go, web, javasymbolicexecution, java, javascript, kotlin, php, python, ruby, sonarscala, vbnet]
07:37:48.140 DEBUG Plugins loaded:
07:37:48.141 DEBUG   * JaCoCo (jacoco)
07:37:48.141 DEBUG   * IaC Code Quality and Security (iac)
07:37:48.145 DEBUG   * Text Code Quality and Security (text)
07:37:48.145 DEBUG   * Clean as You Code (cayc)
07:37:48.146 DEBUG   * XML Code Quality and Security (xml)
07:37:48.501 DEBUG register org.eclipse.jgit.util.FS$FileStoreAttributes$$Lambda$336/0x0000765ad829c3f8@3956b302 with shutdown hook
07:37:48.811 INFO  Process project properties
07:37:48.829 INFO  Process project properties (done) | time=19ms
07:37:48.849 INFO  Project key: bettersoon_owner_profile_service
07:37:48.853 INFO  Base dir: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service
07:37:48.858 INFO  Working dir: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/.scannerwork
07:37:48.859 DEBUG Project global encoding: UTF-8, default locale: en
07:37:48.880 INFO  Load project settings for component key: 'bettersoon_owner_profile_service'
07:37:48.886 DEBUG --> GET
07:37:48.907 DEBUG <-- 200 (20ms, 6686-byte body)
07:37:48.913 INFO  Load project settings for component key: 'bettersoon_owner_profile_service' (done) | time=32ms
07:37:48.963 DEBUG Creating module hierarchy
07:37:48.963 DEBUG   Init module 'bettersoon_owner_profile_service'
07:37:48.964 DEBUG     Base dir: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service
07:37:48.964 DEBUG     Working dir: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/.scannerwork
07:37:48.972 DEBUG     Module global encoding: UTF-8, default locale: en
07:37:48.978 INFO  Load quality profiles
07:37:48.981 DEBUG --> GET
07:37:49.092 DEBUG <-- 200 (111ms, 3077-byte body)
07:37:49.127 INFO  Load quality profiles (done) | time=148ms
07:37:49.156 INFO  Auto-configuring with CI 'Jenkins'
07:37:49.210 INFO  Load active rules
07:37:49.210 DEBUG --> GET
07:37:49.337 DEBUG <-- 200 (127ms, 7151-byte body)
07:37:49.607 DEBUG --> GET
07:37:49.662 DEBUG <-- 200 (55ms, unknown-length body)
07:37:49.673 DEBUG --> GET
07:37:49.740 DEBUG <-- 200 (66ms, unknown-length body)
07:37:49.765 DEBUG --> GET
07:37:49.776 DEBUG <-- 200 (8ms, 12-byte body)
07:37:49.777 DEBUG --> GET
07:37:50.857 DEBUG <-- 200 (1078ms, unknown-length body)
07:37:50.957 DEBUG --> GET
07:37:51.770 DEBUG <-- 200 (809ms, unknown-length body)
07:37:51.815 DEBUG --> GET
07:37:51.985 DEBUG <-- 200 (168ms, unknown-length body)
07:37:52.013 DEBUG --> GET
07:37:53.291 DEBUG <-- 200 (1285ms, unknown-length body)
07:37:53.365 DEBUG --> GET
07:37:53.446 DEBUG <-- 200 (76ms, 3816-byte body)
07:37:53.459 DEBUG --> GET
07:37:53.677 DEBUG <-- 200 (215ms, unknown-length body)
07:37:53.686 DEBUG --> GET
07:37:53.769 DEBUG <-- 200 (82ms, unknown-length body)
07:37:53.778 DEBUG --> GET
07:37:53.874 DEBUG <-- 200 (93ms, 7249-byte body)
07:37:53.883 DEBUG --> GET
07:37:53.887 DEBUG <-- 200 (11ms, 12-byte body)
07:37:53.891 DEBUG --> GET
07:37:54.747 DEBUG <-- 200 (859ms, unknown-length body)
07:37:54.765 DEBUG --> GET
07:37:54.783 DEBUG <-- 200 (16ms, 358-byte body)
07:37:54.803 DEBUG --> GET
07:37:55.171 DEBUG <-- 200 (365ms, unknown-length body)
07:37:55.180 DEBUG --> GET
07:37:55.327 DEBUG <-- 200 (146ms, unknown-length body)
07:37:55.331 DEBUG --> GET
07:37:55.341 DEBUG <-- 200 (8ms, 12-byte body)
07:37:55.342 DEBUG --> GET
07:37:55.459 DEBUG <-- 200 (116ms, 7691-byte body)
07:37:55.460 DEBUG --> GET
07:37:55.917 DEBUG <-- 200 (457ms, unknown-length body)
07:37:55.925 DEBUG --> GET
07:37:56.303 DEBUG <-- 200 (378ms, unknown-length body)
07:37:56.309 DEBUG --> GET
07:37:56.393 DEBUG <-- 200 (82ms, unknown-length body)
07:37:56.399 DEBUG --> GET
07:37:57.477 DEBUG <-- 200 (1078ms, unknown-length body)
07:37:57.493 DEBUG --> GET
07:37:57.861 DEBUG <-- 200 (368ms, unknown-length body)
07:37:57.873 DEBUG --> GET
07:37:58.090 DEBUG <-- 200 (216ms, unknown-length body)
07:37:58.093 DEBUG --> GET
07:37:58.328 DEBUG <-- 200 (232ms, unknown-length body)
07:37:58.329 DEBUG --> GET
07:37:59.491 DEBUG <-- 200 (1160ms, unknown-length body)
07:37:59.536 INFO  Load active rules (done) | time=10328ms
07:37:59.548 INFO  Load analysis cache
07:37:59.548 DEBUG --> GET
07:37:59.558 DEBUG <-- 404 (7ms, unknown-length body)
07:37:59.558 INFO  Load analysis cache (404) | time=11ms
07:37:59.604 DEBUG --> GET
07:37:59.613 DEBUG <-- 200 (7ms, unknown-length body)
07:37:59.688 DEBUG Declared patterns of language Kubernetes were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.kubernetes : 
07:37:59.693 DEBUG Declared patterns of language CSS were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.css : **/*.css,**/*.less,**/*.scss,**/*.sass
07:37:59.693 DEBUG Declared patterns of language Scala were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.scala : **/*.scala
07:37:59.694 DEBUG Declared patterns of language JSP were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.jsp : **/*.jsp,**/*.jspf,**/*.jspx
07:37:59.694 DEBUG Declared patterns of language JavaScript were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.js : **/*.js,**/*.jsx,**/*.cjs,**/*.mjs,**/*.vue
07:37:59.694 DEBUG Declared patterns of language Python were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.py : **/*.py
07:37:59.695 DEBUG Declared patterns of language Docker were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.docker : **/Dockerfile,**/*.dockerfile
07:37:59.695 DEBUG Declared patterns of language Java were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.java : **/*.java,**/*.jav
07:37:59.698 DEBUG Declared patterns of language HTML were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.web : **/*.html,**/*.xhtml,**/*.cshtml,**/*.vbhtml,**/*.aspx,**/*.ascx,**/*.rhtml,**/*.erb,**/*.shtm,**/*.shtml,**/*.cmp,**/*.twig
07:37:59.699 DEBUG Declared patterns of language Flex were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.flex : **/*.as
07:37:59.700 DEBUG Declared patterns of language XML were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.xml : **/*.xml,**/*.xsd,**/*.xsl,**/*.config
07:37:59.702 DEBUG Declared patterns of language JSON were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.json : **/*.json
07:37:59.702 DEBUG Declared patterns of language IPython Notebooks were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.ipynb : **/*.ipynb
07:37:59.706 DEBUG Declared patterns of language Text were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.text : 
07:37:59.706 DEBUG Declared patterns of language VB.NET were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.vbnet : **/*.vb
07:37:59.707 DEBUG Declared patterns of language CloudFormation were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.cloudformation : 
07:37:59.707 DEBUG Declared patterns of language YAML were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.yaml : **/*.yaml,**/*.yml
07:37:59.707 DEBUG Declared patterns of language Go were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.go : **/*.go
07:37:59.707 DEBUG Declared patterns of language Kotlin were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.kotlin : **/*.kt,**/*.kts
07:37:59.712 DEBUG Declared patterns of language Secrets were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.secrets : 
07:37:59.713 DEBUG Declared patterns of language Ruby were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.ruby : **/*.rb
07:37:59.713 DEBUG Declared patterns of language C# were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.cs : **/*.cs,**/*.razor
07:37:59.713 DEBUG Declared patterns of language PHP were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.php : **/*.php,**/*.php3,**/*.php4,**/*.php5,**/*.phtml,**/*.inc
07:37:59.716 DEBUG Declared patterns of language Terraform were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.terraform : **/*.tf
07:37:59.716 DEBUG Declared patterns of language AzureResourceManager were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.azureresourcemanager : **/*.bicep
07:37:59.716 DEBUG Declared patterns of language TypeScript were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.ts : **/*.ts,**/*.tsx,**/*.cts,**/*.mts
07:37:59.749 INFO  Preprocessing files...
07:37:59.786 DEBUG loading config FileBasedConfig[/var/lib/jenkins/.config/jgit/config]
07:37:59.789 DEBUG readpipe [/usr/bin/git, --version],/usr/bin
07:37:59.817 DEBUG readpipe may return 'git version 2.43.0'
07:37:59.818 DEBUG remaining output:

07:37:59.818 DEBUG readpipe [/usr/bin/git, config, --system, --show-origin, --list, -z],/usr/bin
07:37:59.823 DEBUG readpipe may return 'null'
07:37:59.823 DEBUG remaining output:

07:37:59.831 DEBUG readpipe rc=128
07:37:59.833 DEBUG Exception caught during execution of command '[/usr/bin/git, config, --system, --show-origin, --list, -z]' in '/usr/bin', return code '128', error message 'fatal: unable to read config file '/etc/gitconfig': No such file or directory
07:37:59.834 DEBUG loading config FileBasedConfig[/var/lib/jenkins/.config/git/config]
07:37:59.834 DEBUG loading config UserConfigFile[/var/lib/jenkins/.gitconfig]
07:37:59.941 DEBUG 23 non excluded files in this Git repository
07:38:00.005 INFO  1 language detected in 11 preprocessed files
07:38:00.009 INFO  0 files ignored because of scm ignore settings
07:38:00.012 INFO  Loading plugins for detected languages
07:38:00.015 DEBUG Detected languages: [js]
07:38:00.015 INFO  Load/download plugins
07:38:00.023 INFO  Load/download plugins (done) | time=9ms
07:38:00.025 DEBUG Optional language-specific plugins not loaded: [csharp, flex, go, javasymbolicexecution, java, kotlin, php, python, ruby, sonarscala, vbnet]
07:38:00.032 DEBUG Plugins loaded:
07:38:00.035 DEBUG   * HTML Code Quality and Security (web)
07:38:00.035 DEBUG   * JavaScript/TypeScript/CSS Code Quality and Security (javascript)
07:38:00.432 INFO  Load project repositories
07:38:00.434 DEBUG --> GET
07:38:00.445 DEBUG <-- 200 (8ms, 0-byte body)
07:38:00.453 INFO  Load project repositories (done) | time=21ms
07:38:00.523 DEBUG Available languages:
07:38:00.523 DEBUG   * HTML => "web"
07:38:00.523 DEBUG   * JSP => "jsp"
07:38:00.524 DEBUG   * JavaScript => "js"
07:38:00.524 DEBUG   * TypeScript => "ts"
07:38:00.524 DEBUG   * CSS => "css"
07:38:00.529 DEBUG   * Terraform => "terraform"
07:38:00.532 DEBUG   * CloudFormation => "cloudformation"
07:38:00.532 DEBUG   * Kubernetes => "kubernetes"
07:38:00.532 DEBUG   * Docker => "docker"
07:38:00.535 DEBUG   * AzureResourceManager => "azureresourcemanager"
07:38:00.535 DEBUG   * YAML => "yaml"
07:38:00.536 DEBUG   * JSON => "json"
07:38:00.540 DEBUG   * Text => "text"
07:38:00.540 DEBUG   * Secrets => "secrets"
07:38:00.540 DEBUG   * XML => "xml"
07:38:00.543 INFO  Indexing files...
07:38:00.543 INFO  Project configuration:
07:38:00.587 DEBUG 'src/app.js' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
07:38:00.591 DEBUG Average line length for src/app.js is 25
07:38:00.614 DEBUG 'src/app.js' indexed with language 'js'
07:38:00.622 DEBUG 'src/config/index.js' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
07:38:00.622 DEBUG Average line length for src/config/index.js is 33
07:38:00.627 DEBUG 'src/config/index.js' indexed with language 'js'
07:38:00.627 DEBUG 'src/config/keycloakConfig.js' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
07:38:00.627 DEBUG Average line length for src/config/keycloakConfig.js is 17
07:38:00.635 DEBUG 'src/config/keycloakConfig.js' indexed with language 'js'
07:38:00.642 DEBUG 'src/models/ownerProfileModel.js' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
07:38:00.645 DEBUG Average line length for src/models/ownerProfileModel.js is 30
07:38:00.647 DEBUG 'src/models/ownerProfileModel.js' indexed with language 'js'
07:38:00.657 DEBUG 'src/test_data/testOwnerData.js' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
07:38:00.658 DEBUG Average line length for src/test_data/testOwnerData.js is 124
07:38:00.661 DEBUG 'src/test_data/testOwnerData.js' indexed with language 'js'
07:38:00.665 DEBUG 'src/services/base64FileService.js' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
07:38:00.665 DEBUG Average line length for src/services/base64FileService.js is 34
07:38:00.667 DEBUG 'src/services/base64FileService.js' indexed with language 'js'
07:38:00.675 DEBUG 'src/services/structureService.js' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
07:38:00.676 DEBUG Average line length for src/services/structureService.js is 36
07:38:00.679 DEBUG 'src/services/structureService.js' indexed with language 'js'
07:38:00.693 DEBUG 'src/api/controllers/ownerProfileController.js' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
07:38:00.696 DEBUG Average line length for src/api/controllers/ownerProfileController.js is 35
07:38:00.696 DEBUG 'src/api/controllers/ownerProfileController.js' indexed with language 'js'
07:38:00.701 DEBUG 'src/api/routes/ownerProfileRoutes.js' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
07:38:00.705 DEBUG Average line length for src/api/routes/ownerProfileRoutes.js is 20
07:38:00.707 DEBUG 'src/api/routes/ownerProfileRoutes.js' indexed with language 'js'
07:38:00.709 DEBUG 'src/api/middleware/authMiddleware.js' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
07:38:00.709 DEBUG Average line length for src/api/middleware/authMiddleware.js is 33
07:38:00.716 DEBUG 'src/api/middleware/authMiddleware.js' indexed with language 'js'
07:38:00.733 DEBUG '__test__/routes/owner_profile_service_routes.test.js' generated metadata as test  with charset 'UTF-8'
07:38:00.741 DEBUG Average line length for __test__/routes/owner_profile_service_routes.test.js is 51
07:38:00.744 DEBUG '__test__/routes/owner_profile_service_routes.test.js' indexed as test with language 'js'
07:38:00.745 INFO  11 files indexed
07:38:00.747 INFO  Quality profile for js: Sonar way
07:38:00.747 INFO  ------------- Run sensors on module bettersoon_owner_profile_service
07:38:00.836 INFO  Load metrics repository
07:38:00.838 DEBUG --> GET
07:38:00.853 DEBUG <-- 200 (15ms, unknown-length body)
07:38:00.884 INFO  Load metrics repository (done) | time=48ms
07:38:01.809 DEBUG Added 318 checks for language='ts', repository='typescript'
07:38:01.819 DEBUG Added 316 checks for language='js', repository='javascript'
07:38:01.849 DEBUG No registered JsAnalysisConsumer.
07:38:01.917 DEBUG 'Import external issues report' skipped because one of the required properties is missing
07:38:01.922 DEBUG 'XML Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
07:38:01.922 DEBUG 'IaC Terraform Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
07:38:01.924 DEBUG 'IaC CloudFormation Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
07:38:01.926 DEBUG 'IaC Kubernetes Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
07:38:01.926 DEBUG 'IaC AzureResourceManager Sensor' skipped because there is no related file in current project
07:38:01.927 DEBUG 'JavaScript inside YAML analysis' skipped because there is no related file in current project
07:38:01.927 DEBUG 'JavaScript inside HTML analysis' skipped because there is no related file in current project
07:38:01.930 DEBUG 'Import of ESLint issues' skipped because one of the required properties is missing
07:38:01.930 DEBUG 'Import of TSLint issues' skipped because one of the required properties is missing
07:38:01.931 DEBUG 'CSS Metrics' skipped because there is no related file in current project
07:38:01.931 DEBUG 'Import of stylelint issues' skipped because one of the required properties is missing
07:38:01.939 DEBUG 'Generic Test Executions Report' skipped because one of the required properties is missing
07:38:01.941 DEBUG Sensors : HTML -> JaCoCo XML Report Importer -> Java Config Sensor -> JavaScript/TypeScript analysis -> CSS Rules -> JavaScript/TypeScript Coverage -> IaC Docker Sensor -> TextAndSecretsSensor
07:38:01.942 INFO  Sensor HTML [web]
07:38:01.948 INFO  Sensor HTML [web] (done) | time=7ms
07:38:01.948 INFO  Sensor JaCoCo XML Report Importer [jacoco]
07:38:01.951 INFO  'sonar.coverage.jacoco.xmlReportPaths' is not defined. Using default locations: target/site/jacoco/jacoco.xml,target/site/jacoco-it/jacoco.xml,build/reports/jacoco/test/jacocoTestReport.xml
07:38:01.953 INFO  No report imported, no coverage information will be imported by JaCoCo XML Report Importer
07:38:01.953 INFO  Sensor JaCoCo XML Report Importer [jacoco] (done) | time=5ms
07:38:01.953 INFO  Sensor Java Config Sensor [iac]
07:38:02.106 INFO  0 source files to be analyzed
07:38:02.115 INFO  0/0 source files have been analyzed
07:38:02.119 INFO  Sensor Java Config Sensor [iac] (done) | time=163ms
07:38:02.119 INFO  Sensor JavaScript/TypeScript analysis [javascript]
07:38:02.123 DEBUG Deploying the bridge server into /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/.scannerwork/.sonartmp/bridge-bundle
07:38:05.642 INFO  Detected os: Linux arch: amd64 alpine: false. Platform: LINUX_X64
07:38:05.649 DEBUG Currently installed Node.js version: v20.9.0. Available version in analyzer: v20.9.0
07:38:05.649 DEBUG Skipping node deploy. Deployed node has latest version.
07:38:05.650 DEBUG Launching command /var/lib/jenkins/.sonar/js/node-runtime/node -v
07:38:05.666 DEBUG Deployed node version v20.9.0
07:38:05.668 DEBUG Starting server
07:38:05.679 DEBUG Creating Node.js process to start the bridge server on port 42027 
07:38:05.684 INFO  Using embedded Node.js runtime.
07:38:05.684 INFO  Using Node.js executable: '/var/lib/jenkins/.sonar/js/node-runtime/node'.
07:38:05.684 DEBUG Checking Node.js version
07:38:05.685 DEBUG Launching command /var/lib/jenkins/.sonar/js/node-runtime/node -v
07:38:05.692 DEBUG Using Node.js v20.9.0.
07:38:05.693 DEBUG Launching command /var/lib/jenkins/.sonar/js/node-runtime/node /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/.scannerwork/.sonartmp/bridge-bundle/package/bin/server 42027 /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/.scannerwork true false false 
07:38:09.819 INFO  Memory configuration: OS (3848 MB), Node.js (1972 MB).
07:38:09.820 DEBUG Starting the bridge server
07:38:09.838 DEBUG The bridge server is listening on port 42027
07:38:09.880 DEBUG The worker thread is running
07:38:10.023 DEBUG Bridge server started on port 42027 in 4354 ms
07:38:10.023 DEBUG Analysis of unchanged files will not be skipped (current analysis requires all files to be analyzed)
07:38:13.596 DEBUG Initializing linter "default" with S6299,S6850,S4790,S2251,S6853,S6851,S6852,S2137,S2259,S5527,S930,S6859,S2814,S1848,S1607,S2819,S3330,S6842,S6843,S3696,S2123,S6840,S2486,S4423,S2245,S6841,S6846,S2004,S5876,S3699,S6847,S6844,S3579,S6845,S4426,S5757,S5759,S6848,S6035,S6275,S5860,S6397,S5863,S3686,S2234,S5742,S2598,S6957,S6836,S5868,S1940,S5869,S6958,S6959,S1135,S1134,S6281,S6265,S5730,S6821,S5850,S6268,S5732,S5852,S5973,S3796,S6824,S4524,S5734,S125,S6825,S3799,S6822,S5736,S2589,S128,S6823,S5856,S5739,S6827,S6270,S1143,S1264,S1481,S2692,S3782,S5842,S3785,S4634,S5843,S2699,S6019,S5604,S6811,S5725,S5728,S1119,S6819,S4084,S6486,S2681,S1472,S6249,S3531,S2201,S2685,S4502,S3776,S2688,S1479,S3415,S4624,S5958,S6807,S4507,S1128,S1126,S1125,S1121,S6252,S5042,S5264,S6594,S6353,S6479,S2430,S2310,S6477,S5148,S6478,S2432,S3403,S1219,S4619,S6481,S4043,S5254,S4165,S5257,S5256,S2301,S4721,S3516,S1226,S5260,S6351,S6332,S6333,S6330,S5122,S6331,S4275,S4036,S3981,S4830,S4158,S5247,S3984,S3863,S3500,S3504,S3626,S1314,S1313,S6582,S6442,S6321,S6443,S4144,S6440,S6441,S4143,S6325,S6326,S6323,S3972,S6324,S6329,S3854,S6327,S6328,S4822,S3735,S3616,S1439,S1321,S2092,S4030,S2094,S6671,S6793,S6551,S878,S2077,S6435,S2990,S2870,S6557,S2871,S6676,S6439,S6319,S4138,S6679,S6317,S6438,S2755,S1788,S2999,S2757,S2639,S4140,S5693,S5332,S6660,S6661,S6666,S6303,S2187,S4123,S888,S6788,S2068,S2189,S4125,S6544,S6302,S6308,S6426,S1533,S6789,S1534,S1656,S3834,S1536,S1301,S6790,S6791,S6772,S1082,S6770,S6650,S6534,S5443,S6535,S6653,S2970,S6774,S6654,S6775,S1763,S5689,S1764,S6657,S2612,S1523,S2737,S1527,S1529,S1199,S1077,S5691,S6761,S7059,S905,S1090,S6644,S6523,S108,S6766,S107,S6645,S6763,S6643,S1871,S6522,S1751,S1994,S6767,S1874,S6647,S3812,S1515,S1516,S101,S6092,S7060,S6750,S2392,S6079,S6754,S3001,S5542,S5547,S6637,S1862,S6638,S6635,S6756,S6757,S3800,S3923,S6080,S6861,S6747,S6627,S3358,S6748,S5659,S6746,S1854,S6509,S6749,S2703,S1068,S1186,S125,S128,S1940,S5869,S6958,S6959,S2598,S6957,S6836,S5868,S5863,S5742,S2234,S6397,S6275,S5860,S1264,S1143,S6035,S6270,S5759,S6606,S6848,S6846,S2004,S5876,S6847,S3699,S6844,S3579,S4426,S6845,S5757,S6842,S6843,S6840,S2123,S2486,S3696,S4423,S6841,S2245,S4782,S3330,S6281,S2819,S1607,S1848,S2933,S6859,S2137,S5527,S6853,S6851,S6852,S4790,S6850,S2251,S6299,S6749,S6509,S6747,S3358,S4325,S6748,S6627,S5659,S1854,S6746,S4322,S4323,S6861,S4619,S1226,S6478,S6477,S6598,S2430,S2310,S5148,S6479,S5264,S6353,S6594,S5260,S6590,S6351,S1479,S5958,S6807,S4507,S4502,S4623,S1119,S3776,S2688,S3415,S4624,S4621,S3531,S6249,S2685,S2201,S1472,S6486,S2681,S6481,S6819,S1125,S5728,S4634,S5843,S6019,S5725,S5604,S6811,S2699,S1128,S5842,S1121,S2692,S5042,S6252,S6827,S5739,S1135,S6824,S5734,S4524,S6825,S3799,S2589,S5736,S6822,S5856,S6823,S5730,S6268,S5850,S6821,S5732,S5852,S5973,S6265,S1134,S4084,S2639,S2999,S2757,S1301,S6438,S6317,S4138,S6679,S6319,S6439,S2755,S1788,S2990,S2077,S2870,S6557,S2871,S6435,S6676,S6551,S6550,S6671,S6793,S878,S6790,S6791,S1314,S3735,S1313,S3616,S6328,S1439,S6327,S6569,S3854,S4822,S6329,S6324,S6565,S6323,S6326,S6568,S3972,S6325,S6441,S6440,S4144,S6443,S6564,S6442,S6321,S4143,S888,S4140,S3504,S3626,S1444,S3863,S3984,S4036,S4156,S3981,S4830,S5247,S6578,S4158,S6331,S6330,S6572,S6333,S5122,S4275,S6332,S2092,S6571,S4030,S2094,S3516,S2301,S1219,S4721,S5257,S5256,S4043,S6583,S4165,S5254,S6582,S3923,S1862,S6637,S5547,S6638,S6759,S6756,S6635,S6757,S6754,S3001,S5542,S4335,S6750,S1068,S2392,S1186,S6079,S3812,S1874,S1994,S1751,S1516,S1515,S6767,S6647,S6644,S6522,S6766,S6763,S6643,S6523,S6761,S1871,S7059,S1199,S1077,S6080,S1529,S101,S1523,S1764,S1763,S2737,S5689,S6657,S2612,S5443,S6535,S2970,S6653,S6534,S6654,S6775,S6772,S6770,S6650,S6092,S1082,S7060,S1534,S1533,S6426,S6789,S6308,S1656,S6666,S6302,S4124,S2187,S6544,S4123,S6788,S2068,S6303,S5693,S5332,S6660,S6661,S108,S107,S5691,S1090,S905
07:38:13.627 DEBUG Creating linter config
07:38:13.628 DEBUG Linter config: {"language":"js","fileType":"MAIN"} with S101,S1068,S107,S1077,S108,S1082,S1090,S1119,S1121,S1125,S1126,S1128,S1134,S1135,S1143,S1186,S1199,S1219,S1226,S125,S1264,S128,S1301,S1313,S1314,S1321,S1439,S1472,S1479,S1481,S1515,S1516,S1523,S1527,S1529,S1533,S1534,S1536,S1607,S1656,S1751,S1763,S1764,S1788,S1848,S1854,S1862,S1871,S1874,S1940,S1994,S2004,S2068,S2077,S2092,S2094,S2123,S2137,S2189,S2201,S2234,S2245,S2251,S2259,S2301,S2310,S2392,S2430,S2432,S2589,S2598,S2612,S2639,S2681,S2685,S2688,S2692,S2703,S2737,S2755,S2757,S2814,S2819,S2870,S2871,S2990,S2999,S3001,S3330,S3358,S3403,S3500,S3504,S3516,S3531,S3579,S3616,S3626,S3686,S3696,S3699,S3735,S3776,S3782,S3785,S3796,S3799,S3800,S3812,S3834,S3854,S3863,S3923,S3972,S3981,S3984,S4030,S4036,S4043,S4084,S4123,S4125,S4138,S4140,S4143,S4144,S4158,S4165,S4275,S4423,S4426,S4502,S4507,S4524,S4619,S4624,S4634,S4721,S4790,S4822,S4830,S5042,S5122,S5148,S5247,S5254,S5256,S5257,S5260,S5264,S5332,S5443,S5527,S5542,S5547,S5604,S5659,S5689,S5691,S5693,S5725,S5728,S5730,S5732,S5734,S5736,S5739,S5742,S5757,S5759,S5842,S5843,S5850,S5852,S5856,S5860,S5868,S5869,S5876,S6019,S6035,S6249,S6252,S6265,S6268,S6270,S6275,S6281,S6299,S6302,S6303,S6308,S6317,S6319,S6321,S6323,S6324,S6325,S6326,S6327,S6328,S6329,S6330,S6331,S6332,S6333,S6351,S6353,S6397,S6435,S6438,S6439,S6440,S6441,S6442,S6443,S6477,S6478,S6479,S6481,S6486,S6509,S6522,S6523,S6534,S6535,S6544,S6551,S6557,S6582,S6594,S6627,S6635,S6637,S6638,S6643,S6644,S6645,S6647,S6650,S6653,S6654,S6657,S6660,S6661,S6666,S6671,S6676,S6679,S6746,S6747,S6748,S6749,S6750,S6754,S6756,S6757,S6761,S6763,S6766,S6767,S6770,S6772,S6774,S6775,S6788,S6789,S6790,S6791,S6793,S6807,S6811,S6819,S6821,S6822,S6823,S6824,S6825,S6827,S6836,S6840,S6841,S6842,S6843,S6844,S6845,S6846,S6847,S6848,S6850,S6851,S6852,S6853,S6859,S6861,S6957,S6958,S6959,S7059,S7060,S878,S888,S905,S930
07:38:13.628 DEBUG Linter config: {"language":"js","fileType":"TEST"} with S2187,S2486,S2699,S2970,S3415,S5863,S5958,S5973,S6079,S6080,S6092,S6426
07:38:13.629 DEBUG Linter config: {"language":"ts","fileType":"MAIN"} with S101,S1068,S107,S1077,S108,S1082,S1090,S1119,S1121,S1125,S1128,S1134,S1135,S1143,S1186,S1199,S1219,S1226,S125,S1264,S128,S1301,S1313,S1314,S1439,S1444,S1472,S1479,S1515,S1516,S1523,S1529,S1533,S1534,S1607,S1656,S1751,S1763,S1764,S1788,S1848,S1854,S1862,S1871,S1874,S1940,S1994,S2004,S2068,S2077,S2092,S2094,S2123,S2137,S2201,S2234,S2245,S2251,S2301,S2310,S2392,S2430,S2589,S2598,S2612,S2639,S2681,S2685,S2688,S2692,S2737,S2755,S2757,S2819,S2870,S2871,S2933,S2990,S2999,S3001,S3330,S3358,S3504,S3516,S3531,S3579,S3616,S3626,S3696,S3699,S3735,S3776,S3799,S3812,S3854,S3863,S3923,S3972,S3981,S3984,S4030,S4036,S4043,S4084,S4123,S4124,S4138,S4140,S4143,S4144,S4156,S4158,S4165,S4275,S4322,S4323,S4325,S4335,S4423,S4426,S4502,S4507,S4524,S4619,S4621,S4623,S4624,S4634,S4721,S4782,S4790,S4822,S4830,S5042,S5122,S5148,S5247,S5254,S5256,S5257,S5260,S5264,S5332,S5443,S5527,S5542,S5547,S5604,S5659,S5689,S5691,S5693,S5725,S5728,S5730,S5732,S5734,S5736,S5739,S5742,S5757,S5759,S5842,S5843,S5850,S5852,S5856,S5860,S5868,S5869,S5876,S6019,S6035,S6249,S6252,S6265,S6268,S6270,S6275,S6281,S6299,S6302,S6303,S6308,S6317,S6319,S6321,S6323,S6324,S6325,S6326,S6327,S6328,S6329,S6330,S6331,S6332,S6333,S6351,S6353,S6397,S6435,S6438,S6439,S6440,S6441,S6442,S6443,S6477,S6478,S6479,S6481,S6486,S6509,S6522,S6523,S6534,S6535,S6544,S6550,S6551,S6557,S6564,S6565,S6568,S6569,S6571,S6572,S6578,S6582,S6583,S6590,S6594,S6598,S6606,S6627,S6635,S6637,S6638,S6643,S6644,S6647,S6650,S6653,S6654,S6657,S6660,S6661,S6666,S6671,S6676,S6679,S6746,S6747,S6748,S6749,S6750,S6754,S6756,S6757,S6759,S6761,S6763,S6766,S6767,S6770,S6772,S6775,S6788,S6789,S6790,S6791,S6793,S6807,S6811,S6819,S6821,S6822,S6823,S6824,S6825,S6827,S6836,S6840,S6841,S6842,S6843,S6844,S6845,S6846,S6847,S6848,S6850,S6851,S6852,S6853,S6859,S6861,S6957,S6958,S6959,S7059,S7060,S878,S888,S905
07:38:13.629 DEBUG Linter config: {"language":"ts","fileType":"TEST"} with S2187,S2486,S2699,S2970,S3415,S5863,S5958,S5973,S6079,S6080,S6092,S6426
07:38:13.678 INFO  Found 0 tsconfig.json file(s): []
07:38:13.708 DEBUG Using generated tsconfig.json file /tmp/tmp-3550-9hTCdzuZSFXK
07:38:13.708 DEBUG Will use AnalysisWithProgram
07:38:13.708 DEBUG Initializing org.sonar.plugins.javascript.analysis.AnalysisWithProgram
07:38:13.710 INFO  Creating TypeScript program
07:38:13.711 INFO  TypeScript configuration file /tmp/tmp-3550-9hTCdzuZSFXK
07:38:13.711 INFO  11 source files to be analyzed
07:38:21.427 DEBUG program from /tmp/tmp-3550-9hTCdzuZSFXK with id 1 is created
07:38:21.439 INFO  Starting analysis with current program
07:38:21.441 DEBUG Plugin version: []
07:38:21.451 DEBUG Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/models/ownerProfileModel.js' as current analysis requires all files to be analyzed
07:38:21.452 DEBUG Analyzing file: file:///var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/src/models/ownerProfileModel.js
07:38:21.458 DEBUG Analyzing file "/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/src/models/ownerProfileModel.js" with linterId "default"
07:38:23.712 INFO  1/11 file analyzed, current file: src/models/ownerProfileModel.js
07:38:29.498 DEBUG Parsing /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/src/models/ownerProfileModel.js with @typescript-eslint/parser
07:38:29.724 DEBUG Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:SEQ:' containing 0 file(s)
07:38:29.724 DEBUG Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:JSON:'
07:38:29.742 DEBUG Cache entry created for key 'js:filemetadata:'
07:38:29.743 DEBUG Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/services/structureService.js' as current analysis requires all files to be analyzed
07:38:29.744 DEBUG Analyzing file: file:///var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/src/services/structureService.js
07:38:29.753 DEBUG Analyzing file "/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/src/services/structureService.js" with linterId "default"
07:38:29.949 DEBUG Parsing /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/src/services/structureService.js with @typescript-eslint/parser
07:38:29.962 DEBUG Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:SEQ:' containing 0 file(s)
07:38:29.966 DEBUG Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:JSON:'
07:38:29.969 DEBUG Cache entry created for key 'js:filemetadata:'
07:38:29.970 DEBUG Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/services/base64FileService.js' as current analysis requires all files to be analyzed
07:38:29.971 DEBUG Analyzing file: file:///var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/src/services/base64FileService.js
07:38:29.983 DEBUG Analyzing file "/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/src/services/base64FileService.js" with linterId "default"
07:38:30.183 DEBUG Parsing /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/src/services/base64FileService.js with @typescript-eslint/parser
07:38:30.206 DEBUG Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:SEQ:' containing 0 file(s)
07:38:30.208 DEBUG Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:JSON:'
07:38:30.213 DEBUG Cache entry created for key 'js:filemetadata:'
07:38:30.215 DEBUG Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/api/controllers/ownerProfileController.js' as current analysis requires all files to be analyzed
07:38:30.215 DEBUG Analyzing file: file:///var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/src/api/controllers/ownerProfileController.js
07:38:30.246 DEBUG Analyzing file "/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/src/api/controllers/ownerProfileController.js" with linterId "default"
07:38:30.744 DEBUG Parsing /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/src/api/controllers/ownerProfileController.js with @typescript-eslint/parser
07:38:30.758 DEBUG Saving issue for rule S6582 on file src/api/controllers/ownerProfileController.js at line 46
07:38:30.797 DEBUG Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:SEQ:' containing 0 file(s)
07:38:30.797 DEBUG Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:JSON:'
07:38:30.805 DEBUG Cache entry created for key 'js:filemetadata:'
07:38:30.805 DEBUG Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/config/keycloakConfig.js' as current analysis requires all files to be analyzed
07:38:30.805 DEBUG Analyzing file: file:///var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/src/config/keycloakConfig.js
07:38:30.815 DEBUG Analyzing file "/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/src/config/keycloakConfig.js" with linterId "default"
07:38:30.858 DEBUG Parsing /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/src/config/keycloakConfig.js with @typescript-eslint/parser
07:38:30.862 DEBUG Not enough content in 'src/config/keycloakConfig.js' to have CPD blocks, it will not be part of the duplication detection
07:38:30.863 DEBUG Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:SEQ:' containing 0 file(s)
07:38:30.863 DEBUG Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:JSON:'
07:38:30.866 DEBUG Cache entry created for key 'js:filemetadata:'
07:38:30.866 DEBUG Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/api/middleware/authMiddleware.js' as current analysis requires all files to be analyzed
07:38:30.866 DEBUG Analyzing file: file:///var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/src/api/middleware/authMiddleware.js
07:38:30.878 DEBUG Analyzing file "/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/src/api/middleware/authMiddleware.js" with linterId "default"
07:38:30.954 DEBUG Parsing /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/src/api/middleware/authMiddleware.js with @typescript-eslint/parser
07:38:30.965 DEBUG Saving issue for rule S1128 on file src/api/middleware/authMiddleware.js at line 1
07:38:30.965 DEBUG Saving issue for rule S1128 on file src/api/middleware/authMiddleware.js at line 3
07:38:30.966 DEBUG Saving issue for rule S6582 on file src/api/middleware/authMiddleware.js at line 10
07:38:30.972 DEBUG Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:SEQ:' containing 0 file(s)
07:38:30.973 DEBUG Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:JSON:'
07:38:30.976 DEBUG Cache entry created for key 'js:filemetadata:'
07:38:30.976 DEBUG Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/api/routes/ownerProfileRoutes.js' as current analysis requires all files to be analyzed
07:38:30.976 DEBUG Analyzing file: file:///var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/src/api/routes/ownerProfileRoutes.js
07:38:30.986 DEBUG Analyzing file "/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/src/api/routes/ownerProfileRoutes.js" with linterId "default"
07:38:31.063 DEBUG Parsing /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/src/api/routes/ownerProfileRoutes.js with @typescript-eslint/parser
07:38:31.068 DEBUG Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:SEQ:' containing 0 file(s)
07:38:31.068 DEBUG Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:JSON:'
07:38:31.076 DEBUG Cache entry created for key 'js:filemetadata:'
07:38:31.077 DEBUG Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/test_data/testOwnerData.js' as current analysis requires all files to be analyzed
07:38:31.077 DEBUG Analyzing file: file:///var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/src/test_data/testOwnerData.js
07:38:31.095 DEBUG Analyzing file "/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/src/test_data/testOwnerData.js" with linterId "default"
07:38:31.171 DEBUG Parsing /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/src/test_data/testOwnerData.js with @typescript-eslint/parser
07:38:31.181 DEBUG Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:SEQ:' containing 0 file(s)
07:38:31.184 DEBUG Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:JSON:'
07:38:31.187 DEBUG Cache entry created for key 'js:filemetadata:'
07:38:31.187 DEBUG Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/app.js' as current analysis requires all files to be analyzed
07:38:31.187 DEBUG Analyzing file: file:///var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/src/app.js
07:38:31.203 DEBUG Analyzing file "/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/src/app.js" with linterId "default"
07:38:31.345 DEBUG Parsing /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/src/app.js with @typescript-eslint/parser
07:38:31.347 DEBUG Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:SEQ:' containing 0 file(s)
07:38:31.350 DEBUG Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:JSON:'
07:38:31.351 DEBUG Cache entry created for key 'js:filemetadata:'
07:38:31.353 DEBUG Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file '__test__/routes/owner_profile_service_routes.test.js' as current analysis requires all files to be analyzed
07:38:31.353 DEBUG Analyzing file: file:///var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/__test__/routes/owner_profile_service_routes.test.js
07:38:31.360 DEBUG Analyzing file "/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/__test__/routes/owner_profile_service_routes.test.js" with linterId "default"
07:38:31.430 DEBUG Parsing /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/__test__/routes/owner_profile_service_routes.test.js with @typescript-eslint/parser
07:38:31.443 DEBUG Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:SEQ:' containing 0 file(s)
07:38:31.443 DEBUG Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:JSON:'
07:38:31.450 DEBUG Cache entry created for key 'js:filemetadata:'
07:38:31.450 DEBUG Cache strategy set to 'WRITE_ONLY' for file 'src/config/index.js' as current analysis requires all files to be analyzed
07:38:31.453 DEBUG Analyzing file: file:///var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/src/config/index.js
07:38:31.469 DEBUG Analyzing file "/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/src/config/index.js" with linterId "default"
07:38:31.576 DEBUG Parsing /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/src/config/index.js with @typescript-eslint/parser
07:38:31.579 DEBUG Not enough content in 'src/config/index.js' to have CPD blocks, it will not be part of the duplication detection
07:38:31.582 DEBUG Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:SEQ:' containing 0 file(s)
07:38:31.582 DEBUG Cache entry created for key 'jssecurity:ucfgs:JSON:'
07:38:31.582 DEBUG Cache entry created for key 'js:filemetadata:'
07:38:31.582 INFO  Analyzed 11 file(s) with current program
07:38:31.588 INFO  11/11 source files have been analyzed
07:38:31.589 INFO  Hit the cache for 0 out of 11
07:38:31.592 INFO  Miss the cache for 11 out of 11: ANALYSIS_MODE_INELIGIBLE [11/11]
07:38:31.593 INFO  Sensor JavaScript/TypeScript analysis [javascript] (done) | time=29476ms
07:38:31.593 INFO  Sensor CSS Rules [javascript]
07:38:31.593 INFO  No CSS, PHP, HTML or VueJS files are found in the project. CSS analysis is skipped.
07:38:31.593 INFO  Sensor CSS Rules [javascript] (done) | time=1ms
07:38:31.593 INFO  Sensor JavaScript/TypeScript Coverage [javascript]
07:38:31.593 DEBUG Property sonar.javascript.lcov.reportPaths is used.
07:38:31.594 DEBUG Using 'coverage/lcov.info' to resolve LCOV files
07:38:31.594 INFO  Analysing [/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/coverage/lcov.info]
07:38:31.615 INFO  Sensor JavaScript/TypeScript Coverage [javascript] (done) | time=22ms
07:38:31.618 INFO  Sensor IaC Docker Sensor [iac]
07:38:31.773 INFO  0 source files to be analyzed
07:38:31.773 INFO  0/0 source files have been analyzed
07:38:31.774 INFO  Sensor IaC Docker Sensor [iac] (done) | time=159ms
07:38:31.777 INFO  Sensor TextAndSecretsSensor [text]
07:38:31.777 INFO  Available processors: 2
07:38:31.777 INFO  Using 2 threads for analysis.
07:38:33.307 DEBUG git --version returned: git version 2.43.0
07:38:33.307 INFO  Using git CLI to retrieve untracked files
07:38:33.436 INFO  Analyzing language associated files and files included via "sonar.text.inclusions" that are tracked by git
07:38:33.458 INFO  11 source files to be analyzed
07:38:33.664 INFO  11/11 source files have been analyzed
07:38:33.666 INFO  Sensor TextAndSecretsSensor [text] (done) | time=1892ms
07:38:33.688 INFO  ------------- Run sensors on project
07:38:34.012 DEBUG 'Generic Coverage Report' skipped because one of the required properties is missing
07:38:34.012 DEBUG 'Import external issues report from SARIF file.' skipped because one of the required properties is missing
07:38:34.012 DEBUG 'Java CPD Block Indexer' skipped because there is no related file in current project
07:38:34.012 DEBUG Sensors : Zero Coverage Sensor
07:38:34.015 INFO  Sensor Zero Coverage Sensor
07:38:34.018 INFO  Sensor Zero Coverage Sensor (done) | time=5ms
07:38:34.023 INFO  SCM Publisher SCM provider for this project is: git
07:38:34.025 INFO  SCM Publisher 11 source files to be analyzed
07:38:34.032 DEBUG Collecting committed files
07:38:34.118 DEBUG Collecting committed files (done) | time=87ms
07:38:34.122 DEBUG Using GIT_NATIVE_BLAME strategy to blame files
07:38:34.228 DEBUG Blame file (native) src/models/ownerProfileModel.js
07:38:34.229 DEBUG Blame file (native) src/services/structureService.js
07:38:34.363 DEBUG Blame file (native) src/api/routes/ownerProfileRoutes.js
07:38:34.363 DEBUG Blame file (native) src/test_data/testOwnerData.js
07:38:34.376 DEBUG Blame file (native) __test__/routes/owner_profile_service_routes.test.js
07:38:34.418 DEBUG Blame file (native) src/app.js
07:38:34.442 DEBUG Blame file (native) src/config/index.js
07:38:34.466 DEBUG Blame file (native) src/api/middleware/authMiddleware.js
07:38:34.476 DEBUG Blame file (native) src/config/keycloakConfig.js
07:38:34.491 DEBUG Blame file (native) src/api/controllers/ownerProfileController.js
07:38:34.495 DEBUG Blame file (native) src/services/base64FileService.js
07:38:34.523 INFO  SCM Publisher 11/11 source files have been analyzed (done) | time=496ms
07:38:34.541 INFO  CPD Executor 2 files had no CPD blocks
07:38:34.541 INFO  CPD Executor Calculating CPD for 8 files
07:38:34.541 DEBUG Detection of duplications for /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/src/app.js
07:38:34.563 DEBUG Detection of duplications for /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/src/api/middleware/authMiddleware.js
07:38:34.564 DEBUG Detection of duplications for /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/src/test_data/testOwnerData.js
07:38:34.564 DEBUG Detection of duplications for /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/src/services/structureService.js
07:38:34.564 DEBUG Detection of duplications for /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/src/models/ownerProfileModel.js
07:38:34.564 DEBUG Detection of duplications for /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/src/api/controllers/ownerProfileController.js
07:38:34.564 DEBUG Detection of duplications for /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/src/api/routes/ownerProfileRoutes.js
07:38:34.565 DEBUG Detection of duplications for /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/src/services/base64FileService.js
07:38:34.565 INFO  CPD Executor CPD calculation finished (done) | time=24ms
07:38:34.598 INFO  SCM revision ID 'bd6b390cb63e36fc9da1216a87f0353be0abf1d1'
07:38:34.822 INFO  Analysis report generated in 207ms, dir size=288.0 kB
07:38:34.901 INFO  Analysis report compressed in 78ms, zip size=63.5 kB
07:38:34.901 INFO  Analysis report generated in /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/.scannerwork/scanner-report
07:38:34.902 DEBUG Upload report
07:38:34.914 DEBUG --> POST (63713-byte body)
07:38:34.933 DEBUG <-- 200 (26ms, 76-byte body)
07:38:34.997 INFO  Analysis report uploaded in 96ms
07:38:34.999 DEBUG Report metadata written to /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-bettersoon_owner_profile_service/.scannerwork/report-task.txt
07:38:35.000 INFO  ANALYSIS SUCCESSFUL, you can find the results at:
07:38:35.000 INFO  Note that you will be able to access the updated dashboard once the server has processed the submitted analysis report
07:38:35.000 INFO  More about the report processing at
07:38:35.004 DEBUG Post-jobs : 
07:38:35.017 DEBUG Shutting down the worker
07:38:35.199 INFO  Rule                          | Time (ms) | Relative
07:38:35.199 INFO  :-----------------------------|----------:|--------:
07:38:35.199 INFO  S1874                         |  4046.418 |    81.0%
07:38:35.199 INFO  S6321                         |    84.364 |     1.7%
07:38:35.199 INFO  S4165                         |    69.918 |     1.4%
07:38:35.199 INFO  S1854                         |    48.077 |     1.0%
07:38:35.199 INFO  S3863                         |    46.485 |     0.9%
07:38:35.200 INFO  S125                          |    44.818 |     0.9%
07:38:35.200 INFO  S2814                         |    39.016 |     0.8%
07:38:35.200 INFO  S6544                         |    32.446 |     0.6%
07:38:35.200 INFO  S6478                         |    30.048 |     0.6%
07:38:35.200 INFO  S6767                         |    21.728 |     0.4%
07:38:35.200 INFO  S3782                         |    17.107 |     0.3%
07:38:35.200 INFO  S2259                         |    13.491 |     0.3%
07:38:35.200 INFO  internal-symbol-highlighting  |    12.976 |     0.3%
07:38:35.200 INFO  S7059                         |    11.976 |     0.2%
07:38:35.200 INFO  S2589                         |    11.950 |     0.2%
07:38:35.211 INFO  S6746                         |    11.500 |     0.2%
07:38:35.211 INFO  S6582                         |    10.462 |     0.2%
07:38:35.211 INFO  S6535                         |    10.427 |     0.2%
07:38:35.211 INFO  S2201                         |    10.401 |     0.2%
07:38:35.211 INFO  S1313                         |     9.863 |     0.2%
07:38:35.211 INFO  S6481                         |     8.958 |     0.2%
07:38:35.211 INFO  S6435                         |     8.295 |     0.2%
07:38:35.212 INFO  S6754                         |     8.058 |     0.2%
07:38:35.212 INFO  S5725                         |     7.887 |     0.2%
07:38:35.212 INFO  S3776                         |     7.679 |     0.2%
07:38:35.212 INFO  internal-cognitive-complexity |     7.625 |     0.2%
07:38:35.212 INFO  S5860                         |     7.511 |     0.2%
07:38:35.212 INFO  S6757                         |     7.435 |     0.1%
07:38:35.212 INFO  S6957                         |     7.413 |     0.1%
07:38:35.212 INFO  S5332                         |     7.277 |     0.1%
07:38:35.212 INFO  S6774                         |     7.189 |     0.1%
07:38:35.212 INFO  S2189                         |     7.019 |     0.1%
07:38:35.223 INFO  S5856                         |     6.649 |     0.1%
07:38:35.223 INFO  S6775                         |     6.349 |     0.1%
07:38:35.223 INFO  S1226                         |     5.826 |     0.1%
07:38:35.223 INFO  S5852                         |     5.413 |     0.1%
07:38:35.223 INFO  S1607                         |     5.209 |     0.1%
07:38:35.223 INFO  S4822                         |     5.194 |     0.1%
07:38:35.223 INFO  S6351                         |     4.965 |     0.1%
07:38:35.223 INFO  S4275                         |     4.450 |     0.1%
07:38:35.224 INFO  S6676                         |     4.305 |     0.1%
07:38:35.224 INFO  S6035                         |     4.148 |     0.1%
07:38:35.224 INFO  S6756                         |     4.140 |     0.1%
07:38:35.224 INFO  S6671                         |     4.104 |     0.1%
07:38:35.224 INFO  S6661                         |     4.011 |     0.1%
07:38:35.224 INFO  S5693                         |     4.003 |     0.1%
07:38:35.235 INFO  S5122                         |     3.991 |     0.1%
07:38:35.236 INFO  S1186                         |     3.905 |     0.1%
07:38:35.236 INFO  S5973                         |     3.865 |     0.1%
07:38:35.236 INFO  S5842                         |     3.849 |     0.1%
07:38:35.236 INFO  S5843                         |     3.743 |     0.1%
07:38:35.236 INFO  S5850                         |     3.498 |     0.1%
07:38:35.236 INFO  S1534                         |     3.455 |     0.1%
07:38:35.236 INFO  S3800                         |     3.407 |     0.1%
07:38:35.237 INFO  S6324                         |     3.230 |     0.1%
07:38:35.237 INFO  S6551                         |     3.167 |     0.1%
07:38:35.237 INFO  S4423                         |     3.136 |     0.1%
07:38:35.237 INFO  S3330                         |     3.129 |     0.1%
07:38:35.237 INFO  S2234                         |     3.068 |     0.1%
07:38:35.237 INFO  S2068                         |     3.053 |     0.1%
07:38:35.237 INFO  S3854                         |     3.047 |     0.1%
07:38:35.246 INFO  S1472                         |     2.887 |     0.1%
07:38:35.246 INFO  S6479                         |     2.855 |     0.1%
07:38:35.246 INFO  S1527                         |     2.835 |     0.1%
07:38:35.246 INFO  S5527                         |     2.827 |     0.1%
07:38:35.247 INFO  S4502                         |     2.818 |     0.1%
07:38:35.247 INFO  S6270                         |     2.818 |     0.1%
07:38:35.247 INFO  S1128                         |     2.769 |     0.1%
07:38:35.247 INFO  S2699                         |     2.690 |     0.1%
07:38:35.247 INFO  S1763                         |     2.533 |     0.1%
07:38:35.247 INFO  S5443                         |     2.461 |     0.0%
07:38:35.247 INFO  S6850                         |     2.347 |     0.0%
07:38:35.247 INFO  S6534                         |     2.299 |     0.0%
07:38:35.247 INFO  S6440                         |     2.270 |     0.0%
07:38:35.253 INFO  S6308                         |     2.208 |     0.0%
07:38:35.253 INFO  S6441                         |     2.208 |     0.0%
07:38:35.253 INFO  S6848                         |     2.185 |     0.0%
07:38:35.253 INFO  S6438                         |     2.140 |     0.0%
07:38:35.253 INFO  S5542                         |     2.127 |     0.0%
07:38:35.254 INFO  S4123                         |     2.109 |     0.0%
07:38:35.254 INFO  S905                          |     2.098 |     0.0%
07:38:35.254 INFO  S6353                         |     2.034 |     0.0%
07:38:35.254 INFO  S2301                         |     1.993 |     0.0%
07:38:35.254 INFO  S6645                         |     1.981 |     0.0%
07:38:35.254 INFO  S2092                         |     1.889 |     0.0%
07:38:35.254 INFO  S6317                         |     1.886 |     0.0%
07:38:35.254 INFO  S4721                         |     1.854 |     0.0%
07:38:35.254 INFO  S5868                         |     1.838 |     0.0%
07:38:35.260 INFO  S6331                         |     1.812 |     0.0%
07:38:35.260 INFO  S6333                         |     1.798 |     0.0%
07:38:35.260 INFO  S5742                         |     1.775 |     0.0%
07:38:35.260 INFO  S2639                         |     1.761 |     0.0%
07:38:35.260 INFO  S5730                         |     1.733 |     0.0%
07:38:35.260 INFO  S6325                         |     1.701 |     0.0%
07:38:35.260 INFO  S2612                         |     1.696 |     0.0%
07:38:35.260 INFO  S6750                         |     1.686 |     0.0%
07:38:35.261 INFO  S6791                         |     1.648 |     0.0%
07:38:35.261 INFO  S1871                         |     1.647 |     0.0%
07:38:35.261 INFO  S6302                         |     1.635 |     0.0%
07:38:35.261 INFO  S128                          |     1.614 |     0.0%
07:38:35.261 INFO  S6397                         |     1.600 |     0.0%
07:38:35.261 INFO  S6326                         |     1.598 |     0.0%
07:38:35.261 INFO  S5247                         |     1.595 |     0.0%
07:38:35.261 INFO  S930                          |     1.560 |     0.0%
07:38:35.261 INFO  S6790                         |     1.548 |     0.0%
07:38:35.267 INFO  S2137                         |     1.545 |     0.0%
07:38:35.268 INFO  S1523                         |     1.502 |     0.0%
07:38:35.268 INFO  S3796                         |     1.478 |     0.0%
07:38:35.268 INFO  S4143                         |     1.471 |     0.0%
07:38:35.268 INFO  S5759                         |     1.447 |     0.0%
07:38:35.268 INFO  S6523                         |     1.424 |     0.0%
07:38:35.268 INFO  S6323                         |     1.400 |     0.0%
07:38:35.268 INFO  S2755                         |     1.375 |     0.0%
07:38:35.268 INFO  S5869                         |     1.369 |     0.0%
07:38:35.269 INFO  S4158                         |     1.356 |     0.0%
07:38:35.269 INFO  S6859                         |     1.316 |     0.0%
07:38:35.269 INFO  S5604                         |     1.310 |     0.0%
07:38:35.269 INFO  S4030                         |     1.295 |     0.0%
07:38:35.269 INFO  S5042                         |     1.287 |     0.0%
07:38:35.269 INFO  S6643                         |     1.277 |     0.0%
07:38:35.269 INFO  S7060                         |     1.262 |     0.0%
07:38:35.269 INFO  S6019                         |     1.260 |     0.0%
07:38:35.269 INFO  S5757                         |     1.248 |     0.0%
07:38:35.269 INFO  S4790                         |     1.248 |     0.0%
07:38:35.276 INFO  S3699                         |     1.226 |     0.0%
07:38:35.277 INFO  S6557                         |     1.224 |     0.0%
07:38:35.277 INFO  S5659                         |     1.171 |     0.0%
07:38:35.277 INFO  S2598                         |     1.165 |     0.0%
07:38:35.277 INFO  S4036                         |     1.156 |     0.0%
07:38:35.277 INFO  S2681                         |     1.137 |     0.0%
07:38:35.277 INFO  S6442                         |     1.131 |     0.0%
07:38:35.277 INFO  S3403                         |     1.119 |     0.0%
07:38:35.278 INFO  S2430                         |     1.079 |     0.0%
07:38:35.278 INFO  S2999                         |     1.035 |     0.0%
07:38:35.278 INFO  S4830                         |     1.010 |     0.0%
07:38:35.278 INFO  S6265                         |     1.002 |     0.0%
07:38:35.278 INFO  S3415                         |     0.989 |     0.0%
07:38:35.278 INFO  S6329                         |     0.970 |     0.0%
07:38:35.278 INFO  S5876                         |     0.961 |     0.0%
07:38:35.278 INFO  S1481                         |     0.955 |     0.0%
07:38:35.278 INFO  S6303                         |     0.953 |     0.0%
07:38:35.278 INFO  S5547                         |     0.944 |     0.0%
07:38:35.281 INFO  S4043                         |     0.940 |     0.0%
07:38:35.281 INFO  S2245                         |     0.935 |     0.0%
07:38:35.281 INFO  S3686                         |     0.932 |     0.0%
07:38:35.281 INFO  S5691                         |     0.916 |     0.0%
07:38:35.281 INFO  S5689                         |     0.909 |     0.0%
07:38:35.281 INFO  S6861                         |     0.899 |     0.0%
07:38:35.281 INFO  S6638                         |     0.875 |     0.0%
07:38:35.281 INFO  S3516                         |     0.836 |     0.0%
07:38:35.281 INFO  S2392                         |     0.811 |     0.0%
07:38:35.281 INFO  S3972                         |     0.804 |     0.0%
07:38:35.283 INFO  S4507                         |     0.796 |     0.0%
07:38:35.284 INFO  S1143                         |     0.789 |     0.0%
07:38:35.284 INFO  S1199                         |     0.777 |     0.0%
07:38:35.284 INFO  S6522                         |     0.772 |     0.0%
07:38:35.284 INFO  S5863                         |     0.769 |     0.0%
07:38:35.284 INFO  S6079                         |     0.756 |     0.0%
07:38:35.284 INFO  S1764                         |     0.739 |     0.0%
07:38:35.284 INFO  S6666                         |     0.732 |     0.0%
07:38:35.284 INFO  S6328                         |     0.729 |     0.0%
07:38:35.290 INFO  S4144                         |     0.715 |     0.0%
07:38:35.290 INFO  S6092                         |     0.703 |     0.0%
07:38:35.290 INFO  S2077                         |     0.681 |     0.0%
07:38:35.290 INFO  S1862                         |     0.654 |     0.0%
07:38:35.290 INFO  S107                          |     0.640 |     0.0%
07:38:35.291 INFO  S6748                         |     0.636 |     0.0%
07:38:35.291 INFO  S1788                         |     0.631 |     0.0%
07:38:35.291 INFO  S2871                         |     0.631 |     0.0%
07:38:35.291 INFO  S6637                         |     0.609 |     0.0%
07:38:35.291 INFO  S6959                         |     0.608 |     0.0%
07:38:35.291 INFO  S6654                         |     0.605 |     0.0%
07:38:35.291 INFO  S5958                         |     0.601 |     0.0%
07:38:35.291 INFO  S6509                         |     0.570 |     0.0%
07:38:35.291 INFO  S2432                         |     0.564 |     0.0%
07:38:35.291 INFO  S6766                         |     0.547 |     0.0%
07:38:35.298 INFO  S4426                         |     0.542 |     0.0%
07:38:35.298 INFO  S2688                         |     0.530 |     0.0%
07:38:35.298 INFO  S1751                         |     0.521 |     0.0%
07:38:35.298 INFO  S6853                         |     0.513 |     0.0%
07:38:35.298 INFO  S6268                         |     0.512 |     0.0%
07:38:35.298 INFO  S5739                         |     0.508 |     0.0%
07:38:35.298 INFO  S3500                         |     0.506 |     0.0%
07:38:35.298 INFO  S6761                         |     0.504 |     0.0%
07:38:35.299 INFO  S1516                         |     0.500 |     0.0%
07:38:35.299 INFO  S1515                         |     0.498 |     0.0%
07:38:35.299 INFO  S1077                         |     0.489 |     0.0%
07:38:35.299 INFO  S3923                         |     0.483 |     0.0%
07:38:35.299 INFO  S1125                         |     0.478 |     0.0%
07:38:35.299 INFO  S6657                         |     0.475 |     0.0%
07:38:35.299 INFO  S5732                         |     0.470 |     0.0%
07:38:35.299 INFO  S6330                         |     0.466 |     0.0%
07:38:35.299 INFO  S1126                         |     0.463 |     0.0%
07:38:35.299 INFO  S4634                         |     0.458 |     0.0%
07:38:35.302 INFO  S5148                         |     0.449 |     0.0%
07:38:35.302 INFO  S2094                         |     0.446 |     0.0%
07:38:35.303 INFO  S6627                         |     0.441 |     0.0%
07:38:35.303 INFO  S1314                         |     0.433 |     0.0%
07:38:35.303 INFO  S6275                         |     0.431 |     0.0%
07:38:35.303 INFO  S1135                         |     0.421 |     0.0%
07:38:35.303 INFO  S1656                         |     0.421 |     0.0%
07:38:35.303 INFO  S3626                         |     0.414 |     0.0%
07:38:35.303 INFO  S6749                         |     0.410 |     0.0%
07:38:35.303 INFO  S6650                         |     0.409 |     0.0%
07:38:35.303 INFO  S6332                         |     0.408 |     0.0%
07:38:35.303 INFO  S6653                         |     0.404 |     0.0%
07:38:35.304 INFO  S5254                         |     0.386 |     0.0%
07:38:35.304 INFO  S2187                         |     0.380 |     0.0%
07:38:35.304 INFO  S4125                         |     0.372 |     0.0%
07:38:35.304 INFO  S6844                         |     0.369 |     0.0%
07:38:35.304 INFO  S6299                         |     0.369 |     0.0%
07:38:35.304 INFO  S6594                         |     0.366 |     0.0%
07:38:35.304 INFO  S5728                         |     0.365 |     0.0%
07:38:35.304 INFO  S6958                         |     0.363 |     0.0%
07:38:35.304 INFO  S6789                         |     0.358 |     0.0%
07:38:35.304 INFO  S6327                         |     0.355 |     0.0%
07:38:35.309 INFO  S4140                         |     0.354 |     0.0%
07:38:35.309 INFO  S1536                         |     0.354 |     0.0%
07:38:35.309 INFO  S108                          |     0.351 |     0.0%
07:38:35.309 INFO  S5736                         |     0.346 |     0.0%
07:38:35.309 INFO  S5734                         |     0.345 |     0.0%
07:38:35.309 INFO  S1529                         |     0.344 |     0.0%
07:38:35.309 INFO  S6080                         |     0.339 |     0.0%
07:38:35.309 INFO  S2757                         |     0.334 |     0.0%
07:38:35.309 INFO  S2004                         |     0.322 |     0.0%
07:38:35.310 INFO  S2685                         |     0.318 |     0.0%
07:38:35.310 INFO  S1082                         |     0.315 |     0.0%
07:38:35.310 INFO  S6823                         |     0.309 |     0.0%
07:38:35.310 INFO  S2737                         |     0.303 |     0.0%
07:38:35.310 INFO  S6788                         |     0.302 |     0.0%
07:38:35.310 INFO  S3696                         |     0.296 |     0.0%
07:38:35.310 INFO  S3834                         |     0.294 |     0.0%
07:38:35.310 INFO  S2970                         |     0.291 |     0.0%
07:38:35.310 INFO  S6281                         |     0.279 |     0.0%
07:38:35.313 INFO  S6845                         |     0.274 |     0.0%
07:38:35.313 INFO  S6647                         |     0.273 |     0.0%
07:38:35.313 INFO  S1219                         |     0.271 |     0.0%
07:38:35.313 INFO  S6426                         |     0.264 |     0.0%
07:38:35.313 INFO  S1121                         |     0.258 |     0.0%
07:38:35.313 INFO  S3579                         |     0.252 |     0.0%
07:38:35.313 INFO  S3504                         |     0.249 |     0.0%
07:38:35.313 INFO  S6319                         |     0.242 |     0.0%
07:38:35.313 INFO  S6679                         |     0.240 |     0.0%
07:38:35.313 INFO  S6747                         |     0.240 |     0.0%
07:38:35.314 INFO  S2486                         |     0.229 |     0.0%
07:38:35.314 INFO  S1940                         |     0.225 |     0.0%
07:38:35.314 INFO  S6443                         |     0.224 |     0.0%
07:38:35.314 INFO  S6635                         |     0.223 |     0.0%
07:38:35.314 INFO  S1994                         |     0.223 |     0.0%
07:38:35.314 INFO  S3812                         |     0.208 |     0.0%
07:38:35.314 INFO  S6477                         |     0.205 |     0.0%
07:38:35.314 INFO  S2819                         |     0.204 |     0.0%
07:38:35.314 INFO  S3981                         |     0.204 |     0.0%
07:38:35.314 INFO  S4138                         |     0.200 |     0.0%
07:38:35.314 INFO  S6770                         |     0.198 |     0.0%
07:38:35.316 INFO  S1533                         |     0.194 |     0.0%
07:38:35.317 INFO  S6772                         |     0.192 |     0.0%
07:38:35.317 INFO  S2870                         |     0.181 |     0.0%
07:38:35.317 INFO  S878                          |     0.179 |     0.0%
07:38:35.317 INFO  S2703                         |     0.178 |     0.0%
07:38:35.317 INFO  S6660                         |     0.176 |     0.0%
07:38:35.317 INFO  S1068                         |     0.168 |     0.0%
07:38:35.317 INFO  S1479                         |     0.167 |     0.0%
07:38:35.334 INFO  S3799                         |     0.166 |     0.0%
07:38:35.335 INFO  S6836                         |     0.165 |     0.0%
07:38:35.335 INFO  S2692                         |     0.163 |     0.0%
07:38:35.335 INFO  S1134                         |     0.161 |     0.0%
07:38:35.336 INFO  S3616                         |     0.160 |     0.0%
07:38:35.336 INFO  S5260                         |     0.158 |     0.0%
07:38:35.336 INFO  S4524                         |     0.158 |     0.0%
07:38:35.336 INFO  S6847                         |     0.154 |     0.0%
07:38:35.336 INFO  S3001                         |     0.152 |     0.0%
07:38:35.336 INFO  S6822                         |     0.149 |     0.0%
07:38:35.336 INFO  S4619                         |     0.147 |     0.0%
07:38:35.336 INFO  S2123                         |     0.147 |     0.0%
07:38:35.336 INFO  S6841                         |     0.144 |     0.0%
07:38:35.336 INFO  S6827                         |     0.143 |     0.0%
07:38:35.336 INFO  S2310                         |     0.141 |     0.0%
07:38:35.336 INFO  S1848                         |     0.137 |     0.0%
07:38:35.339 INFO  S1301                         |     0.135 |     0.0%
07:38:35.339 INFO  S2990                         |     0.132 |     0.0%
07:38:35.339 INFO  S6821                         |     0.131 |     0.0%
07:38:35.339 INFO  S6249                         |     0.129 |     0.0%
07:38:35.339 INFO  S6439                         |     0.112 |     0.0%
07:38:35.339 INFO  S6486                         |     0.110 |     0.0%
07:38:35.339 INFO  S3785                         |     0.110 |     0.0%
07:38:35.340 INFO  S4084                         |     0.109 |     0.0%
07:38:35.340 INFO  S2251                         |     0.105 |     0.0%
07:38:35.340 INFO  S6840                         |     0.103 |     0.0%
07:38:35.340 INFO  S3358                         |     0.101 |     0.0%
07:38:35.340 INFO  S3531                         |     0.100 |     0.0%
07:38:35.340 INFO  S6644                         |     0.099 |     0.0%
07:38:35.340 INFO  S6842                         |     0.095 |     0.0%
07:38:35.340 INFO  S5256                         |     0.092 |     0.0%
07:38:35.340 INFO  S6252                         |     0.090 |     0.0%
07:38:35.340 INFO  S4624                         |     0.088 |     0.0%
07:38:35.340 INFO  S3735                         |     0.083 |     0.0%
07:38:35.341 INFO  S5264                         |     0.079 |     0.0%
07:38:35.341 INFO  S6763                         |     0.077 |     0.0%
07:38:35.341 INFO  S1090                         |     0.075 |     0.0%
07:38:35.341 INFO  S6846                         |     0.075 |     0.0%
07:38:35.341 INFO  S6824                         |     0.075 |     0.0%
07:38:35.341 INFO  S6851                         |     0.074 |     0.0%
07:38:35.341 INFO  S888                          |     0.072 |     0.0%
07:38:35.341 INFO  S6793                         |     0.068 |     0.0%
07:38:35.341 INFO  S6811                         |     0.067 |     0.0%
07:38:35.341 INFO  S1439                         |     0.067 |     0.0%
07:38:35.341 INFO  S101                          |     0.067 |     0.0%
07:38:35.341 INFO  S1119                         |     0.067 |     0.0%
07:38:35.341 INFO  S6843                         |     0.067 |     0.0%
07:38:35.342 INFO  S6807                         |     0.061 |     0.0%
07:38:35.342 INFO  S6852                         |     0.061 |     0.0%
07:38:35.342 INFO  S3984                         |     0.059 |     0.0%
07:38:35.342 INFO  S1321                         |     0.057 |     0.0%
07:38:35.342 INFO  S6819                         |     0.056 |     0.0%
07:38:35.342 INFO  S6825                         |     0.054 |     0.0%
07:38:35.342 INFO  S1264                         |     0.050 |     0.0%
07:38:35.342 INFO  S5257                         |     0.049 |     0.0%
07:38:35.536 DEBUG The worker thread exited with code 0
07:38:35.539 DEBUG The bridge server shut down
07:38:35.540 INFO  Rule | Time (ms) | Relative
07:38:35.541 INFO  :----|----------:|--------:
07:38:37.285 INFO  Analysis total time: 49.065 s
07:38:37.287 INFO  SonarScanner Engine completed successfully
07:38:37.291 DEBUG Cleanup org.eclipse.jgit.util.FS$FileStoreAttributes$$Lambda$336/0x0000765ad829c3f8@3956b302 during JVM shutdown
07:38:37.645 INFO  Total time: 54.878s
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withSonarQubeEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Sonarqube quality gate)
[Pipeline] tool
[Pipeline] envVarsForTool
[Pipeline] withEnv
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] script
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] timeout
Timeout set to expire in 2 min 0 sec
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] waitForQualityGate
WARNING: Unknown parameter(s) found for class type 'org.sonarsource.scanner.jenkins.pipeline.WaitForQualityGateStep': pollingIntervalInSeconds
Checking status of SonarQube task 'ef0971a0-d1ae-4d1c-92af-ef37ef52b8a6' on server 'sonarqube'
SonarQube task 'ef0971a0-d1ae-4d1c-92af-ef37ef52b8a6' status is 'IN_PROGRESS'
SonarQube task 'ef0971a0-d1ae-4d1c-92af-ef37ef52b8a6' status is 'SUCCESS'
SonarQube task 'ef0971a0-d1ae-4d1c-92af-ef37ef52b8a6' completed. Quality gate is 'OK'

Hey there.

I’m not sure why this issue is different than the one in this post.

Can you clarify?

The screenshot here is showing Overall Code.

What do you see in your project (Overall Code vs. New Code)?

Hey Colin,
Since I am running the pipeline for the first time wouldn’t all code be treated as new code? The screenshot shows the project immediately after the pipeline ran for the first time.

The first time you run the pipeline is like running the baseline scan – everything after that first analysis gets treated as new code.

1 Like

Thanks for the clarification! But how would I get the pipeline to fail in the first run if the coverage is not sufficient?

You would need to create a new Quality Gate with a coverage condition on overall code, and assign it to the project.

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