Quality Gate failed: Could not fetch quality gate status: b


The current plan is (100k private lines of code for €10 per month), my repo code is very below that, but here showing (your number of lines exceeds your organization plan), I still have LOC End of trial version in 15 days(Next charge will be on august 31, 2021)
our lines of code around below 40k, but here shows,

The error we are seeing is:

✖ Quality Gate failed: Could not fetch quality gate status: b'{"errors":[{"msg":"Analysis with id \\u0027None\\u0027 is not found"}]}'


Your analysis with ID “AXs6Dl8d4FOtEiGI8Ual” has failed: your number of lines exceeds your organization plan. Edit billing info or See details in Background Tasks Or see troubleshooting documentation

here, when we deleting our source folder it’s working, otherwise, it’s getting failed, our repo code line is not greater than 100k then why its show this error Quality Gate failed, I’m facing this for more than 15 days

please respond as soon as possible.

here I added some screenshots to easily understand my issue.

Screenshot 2021-08-16 at 5.18.17 PM

i scaned only : sonar.sources.xxx. (my source folder only)

I tried, except my source folder, others all are excluded, but still, its shows the same error, I don’t know why? please can you help to exclude everything except the source directory,

The error we are seeing is:

:heavy_multiplication_x: Quality Gate failed: Could not fetch quality gate status: b’{“errors”:[{“msg”:“Analysis with id \u0027None\u0027 is not found”}]}’

please respond as soon as possible.

Duplicate of Lines exceeds your organization plan

Closing this thread. Please stop posting duplicates!