Pull-request failing for gitlab projects

Template for a good bug report, formatted with Markdown:

  • versions used (SonarQube 8.9.0, Scanner, Plugin, and any relevant extension)
  • error observed
    ce.log reports:
2021.08.20 10:02:42 INFO  ce[AXtjAzds0a4B0etCYLBh][c.s.F.D.E.B] GitLab's instance URL from the scanner ('https://git.redacted.com/api/v4') is overridden by the settings ('https://git.redacted.com/api/v4')
2021.08.20 10:02:42 INFO  ce[AXtjAzds0a4B0etCYLBh][c.s.F.D.E.B] GitLab's project ID from the scanner ('875') is overridden by the settings ('android/ProjectName.git')
2021.08.20 10:02:42 WARN  ce[AXtjAzds0a4B0etCYLBh][c.s.F.D.W$_A] Project id is expected to be an int. Was: android/ProjectName.git
2021.08.20 10:02:42 ERROR ce[AXtjAzds0a4B0etCYLBh][c.s.F.D.E.A] Configuration is incomplete: GitlabPrSettings{instanceUrl='https://git.redacted.com/api/v4', token='********************', projectId=null, projectUrl=https://git.redacted.com/android/ProjectName, prId=3430, useCloudStaticResources=false}

  • potential workaround


Have you double-checked your configuration? At both the global and project levels? The docs may help.


The docs are being followed. My log from the ce show an “unexpected value” but the only place to set that value is using pop-up menu selector in project settings dialog, which is correct in that context.


I’ve flagged this for more expert attention. In the meantime, one more question: was this project imported via the wizards or configured manually from scratch?


Most likely configured from scratch