Pull request decoration with Bitbucket server

Must-share information (formatted with Markdown):

  • which versions are you using (SonarQube, Scanner, Plugin, and any relevant extension)

Sonarqube version [Developer Edition]

Bitbucket Branch Source Plugin 2.9.7

SonarQube Scanner for Jenkins 2.13

Bitbucket server v6.10.0

  • what are you trying to achieve

I was trying pull request decoration on my bitbucket server, the decoration is happening correctly but, I cannot see an overview of the issues and sonarqube comments on the pull request on bitbucket.

I can see these on the screenshots given on the website.

However on the demo, I cannot see these features.

So, I am wondering if comments from sonarqube can be seen on bitbucket server directly and also, can I get an overview of the scan results just like the screenshots.

I have followed the sonarqube documentation for pull request decoration

  • what have you tried so far to achieve this

We are able to get the pull request decoration, but with limited views and we need to login back to sonarqube to see the comments issued by sonarqube on the pull request.

Is there anything we need to do further to have them listed on bitbucket itself, or is it not possible?


Welcome to the community!

Have you done the steps to configure the decoration?



Thank you @ganncamp

Yes, I have done the steps mentioned in the Bitbucket Server Integration | SonarQube Docs

Right now, my pull decoration looks like this : -

I want the know if the following features can be integrated. Is there any additional steps to do this as the below features seems to not appear on my bitbucket server after integration with the Bitbucket

  stage('SCM') {
    checkout scm
  stage('SonarQube Analysis') {
    def scannerHome = tool 'sonar_scanner';
    withSonarQubeEnv() {
      sh "${scannerHome}/bin/sonar-scanner"


I used Jenkins multibranch pipeline. The above is the Jenkins pipeline script used. Let me know if any additional parameters needs to be added.

As per documentation : -

Scanners running on Jenkins with the Branch Source plugin configured, GitLab CI/CD, and Cirrus CI automatically detect these parameters, and you don’t need to pass them manually.

So I am bit confused here weather to add any additional parameters in pipeline script

Howdy Aswin,

Thanks for following up with those details and apologies for any confusion or delay.

I wanted to let you know that our pre-sales team will be reaching out to you and look forward to working on this issue with you.
