Project still present in the general list of projects after deletion

Must-share information (formatted with Markdown):

  • which versions are you using: SonarQube v.10.5
  • how is SonarQube deployed: zip (RHEL 8.10)
  • what are you trying to achieve: I want to completely delete the project without it being present in both the general list of projects on main page and in “projects” table in the database
  • what have you tried so far to achieve this: deleted the projects via the normal method (from the project properties)

So, I will share the error reproduction algorithm:

  1. DBMS is postgresql 15, database is replicated to the postgresql 15 instance on another server via logical replication (just your typical logical replication using publication on one side and subscription on another)
  2. Logged into the admin account in SQ
  3. Administration > Projects > Management > Create Project
  4. Created the project with the Display name “Test project”
  5. It appeared on the main page as you would expect from it
  6. Went into project properties from the main page, chose “Project deletion”, confirmed deletion.
  7. Now the project is present on the main page in the general list of the projects, but when you try to enter it, it just says
    " The requested project could not be found.
    Either it has never been analyzed successfully or it has been deleted.
    Go back to the homepage"
    as if the project was truly deleted.
  8. The project doesnt show up in the Administration > Projects > Management list of projects
  9. The project is present in the table “projects” in the database
  10. I did not interact with the database in any way besides selecting data out of curiosity from some of its tables.

My license type is Enterprise.

P.S. I can not install 10.6 version because it just shows error which says that my version of SonarQube is too low and suggests to install a newer one, when I try to launch the server via the .sh script.

Hey there.

Do I understand correctly that you have 2 Sonarqube servers running, one connected to each database?

Hello! No, I have only one instance of SonarQube looking into its own database. Then this database is further replicated to another (remote) database via PostgreSQL logical replication.

Okay. It sounds like something could be going wrong with the Elasticsearch index of your SQ instance.

I would suggest:

Hello! Couldn’t find anything related to the error in SQ logs.

You recommendation helped though - after I deleted data/es8 directory the project has disappeared.

Thank you, Colin!

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