#Basic Indormation:
SonarQube ver : v10.5.1 (90531)
SonarQube deployed Method : zip
#What i want to acheieve
I was trying to sutup projects permission, but it wasn’t working.
There are 15 peojects in total,and i set up 15 group to match the project.
My goal is to make only users in specific groups can access to the project.
I set all of project to private,and only allow admin and the one specific group to have permission each project.
Image below is one of the project setting
#The result i got
Then I login with an AD Account that only in the sonar-user group and does not been in any other group, that account still can browse to all project include all codes and issues,it supose to be not able to access to anything.
I also login with user that has 4 group, but what i saw and what i can do were the same as the one user with no any permission.
#My conclusion
there was only 2 group: sonar-asmin and sonar-user. sonar-user was able to access to all project’s code and issue,only not able to do admin stuff.
After i tweek permission, sonar-user now should have no permssion, bit it still has all the permission it’s use to have.
Did i miss something or did i do something wrong?
Aditional information:
#All users permissions are set to ‘uncheck all’.