- versions used
SonarQube - 7.9.1 - build 27448
Scanner - org.codehaus.mojo:sonar-maven-plugin:
Plugin Jenkins - 2.11 - https://plugins.jenkins.io/sonar/ - error observed
sonar scan start + and the SonarQube server send post webbook before the scan is completed
this issue is related with the post-step github decoration.
"task": {
"type": "REPORT",
"componentId": "AXWTWCHOzIDHJBORNEhi",
"componentKey": "dprep-plugin-sample",
"componentName": "dprep-plugin-sample",
"componentQualifier": "TRK",
"analysisId": "AXWTq0rCohyalsuaF5Bt",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"submittedAt": "2020-11-04T14:31:17+0000",
"submitterLogin": "jenkins",
"startedAt": "2020-11-04T14:31:17+0000",
"executedAt": "2020-11-04T14:34:12+0000",
"executionTimeMs": 174308,
"logs": false,
"hasScannerContext": true,
"organization": "default-organization",
"pullRequest": "2",
"warningCount": 0,
"warnings": []
Time diff between
sonarqube service task end
"executedAt": “2020-11-04T14:34:12+0000”,
and POST arrived to Jenkins
Nov 04, 2020 2:31:18 PM
Jenkins Logs for the same task ID:
Nov 04, 2020 2:31:18 PM INFO org.sonarsource.scanner.jenkins.pipeline.SonarQubeWebHook doIndex
Received POST from
Nov 04, 2020 2:31:18 PM FINE org.sonarsource.scanner.jenkins.pipeline.SonarQubeWebHook
Full details of the POST was {"serverUrl":"https://****-sonarqube","taskId":"AXWTq0nKzIDHJBORNEiF","status":"SUCCESS","analysedAt":"2020-11-04T14:31:13+0000","revision":"712c49228cda1ca6aceded78051d5deb2fa8d98f","changedAt":"2020-11-04T14:31:13+0000","project":{"key":"dprep-plugin-sample","name":"dprep-plugin-sample","url":"https://****/dashboard?id=dprep-plugin-sample"},"branch":{"name":"2","type":"PULL_REQUEST","isMain":false,"url":"https:/***/dashboard?id=dprep-plugin-sample&pullRequest=2"},"qualityGate":{"name":"QA Sonar way","status":"OK","conditions":[{"metric":"new_reliability_rating","operator":"GREATER_THAN","value":"1","status":"OK","errorThreshold":"1"},{"metric":"new_security_rating","operator":"GREATER_THAN","value":"1","status":"OK","errorThreshold":"1"},{"metric":"new_maintainability_rating","operator":"GREATER_THAN","value":"1","status":"OK","errorThreshold":"1"},{"metric":"new_duplicated_lines_density","operator":"GREATER_THAN","status":"NO_VALUE","errorThreshold":"3"}]},"properties":{}}
- steps to reproduce
Jenkins sonar scan with the waitForQualityGate step
the scan need to have a “PullRequestPostAnalysisTask” like github decoration
basically the
[o.s.s.w.WebHooksImpl] Sent webhook
will be send before the scan is done - potential workaround
For me I can use a sleep step of 5 min ( because my sonar analysis can take a wile to run )
Solution should be or ignore PostAnalysisTask for scan completion or only send the webhook after all the PostAnalysisTasks…
A different task id runner in trace log level ( check the POST sent and the time where the task end )
2020.11.04 14:02:44 INFO ce[AXWTkSH0zIDHJBORNEh7][o.s.c.t.s.ComputationStepExecutor] Trigger refresh of Portfolios and Applications | status=SUCCESS | time=0ms
2020.11.04 14:02:44 TRACE ce[AXWTkSH0zIDHJBORNEh7][sql] time=1ms | sql=SELECT p.id, p.organization_uuid as organizationUuid, p.uuid as uuid, p.uuid_path as uuidPath, p.project_uuid as projectUuid, p.module_uuid as moduleUuid, p.module_uuid_path as moduleUuidPath, p.main_branch_project_uuid as mainBranchProjectUuid, p.kee as kee, p.name as name, p.long_name as longName, p.description as description, p.tags as tagsString, p.qualifier as qualifier, p.scope as scope, p.language as language, p.root_uuid as rootUuid, p.path as path, p.enabled as enabled, p.copy_component_uuid as copyComponentUuid, p.private as isPrivate, p.created_at as createdAt FROM projects p where p.uuid=? | params=AXWTSdq6zIDHJBORNEhX
2020.11.04 14:02:44 TRACE ce[AXWTkSH0zIDHJBORNEh7][sql] time=1ms | sql=select uuid, name, url, organization_uuid as organizationUuid, project_uuid as projectUuid, secret, created_at as createdAt, updated_at as updatedAt from webhooks where project_uuid = ? order by name asc | params=AXWTSdq6zIDHJBORNEhX
2020.11.04 14:02:44 TRACE ce[AXWTkSH0zIDHJBORNEh7][sql] time=0ms | sql=select uuid, name, url, organization_uuid as organizationUuid, project_uuid as projectUuid, secret, created_at as createdAt, updated_at as updatedAt from webhooks where organization_uuid = ? order by name asc | params=AW0W_wiGoQQ_ewQJ_Rv7
2020.11.04 14:02:44 TRACE ce[AXWTkSH0zIDHJBORNEh7][sql] time=0ms | sql=select p.prop_key as "key", p.is_empty as empty, p.text_value as textValue, p.clob_value as clobValue, p.resource_id as resourceId, p.user_id as userId from properties p where p.prop_key=? and p.resource_id is null and p.user_id is null | params=sonar.core.serverBaseURL
2020.11.04 14:02:44 DEBUG ce[AXWTkSH0zIDHJBORNEh7][o.s.s.w.WebHooksImpl] Sent webhook 'jenkins.svc.cluster.local' | url=http://jenkins.svc.cluster.local/jenkins/sonarqube-webhook/ | time=7ms | status=200
2020.11.04 14:02:44 TRACE ce[AXWTkSH0zIDHJBORNEh7][sql] time=1ms | sql=insert into webhook_deliveries ( uuid, webhook_uuid, component_uuid, ce_task_uuid, analysis_uuid, name, url, success, http_status, duration_ms, payload, error_stacktrace, created_at ) values ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) | params=AXWTkSX4ohyalsuaF2fo, AW48eDTxKPWaCSguIKKa, AXWTSdq6zIDHJBORNEhX, AXWTkSH0zIDHJBORNEh7, AXWTkSSxohyalsuaF2ek, pe-datafabric-jenkins.pe-datafabric.svc.cluster.local, http://jenkins/jenkins/sonarqube-webhook/, true, 200, 7, {"serverUrl":"https://sonarqube/sonarqube","taskId":"AXWTkSH0zIDHJBORNEh7","status":"SUCCESS","analysedAt":"2020-11-04T14:02:39+0000","revision":"712c49228cda1ca6aceded78051d5deb2fa8d98f","changedAt":"2020-11-04T14:02:39+0000","project":{"key":"dprep-plugin-sample","name":"dprep-plugin-sample","url":"https://sonarqube/sonarqube/dashboard?id=dprep-plugin-sample"},"branch":{"name":"2","type":"PULL_REQUEST","isMain":false,"url":"htt..., 12, 1604498564593
2020.11.04 14:02:44 TRACE ce[AXWTkSH0zIDHJBORNEh7][sql] time=1ms | sql=delete from webhook_deliveries where component_uuid = ? and created_at < ? | params=AXWTSdq6zIDHJBORNEhX, 1601906564603
2020.11.04 14:02:44 DEBUG ce[AXWTkSH0zIDHJBORNEh7][c.g.m.s.p.c.p.PullRequestPostAnalysisTask] found 3 pull request decorators
2020.11.04 14:02:44 INFO ce[AXWTkSH0zIDHJBORNEh7][c.g.m.s.p.c.p.PullRequestPostAnalysisTask] using pull request decorator Github
2020.11.04 14:02:44 TRACE ce[AXWTkSH0zIDHJBORNEh7][sql] time=1ms | sql=select p.prop_key as "key", p.is_empty as empty, p.text_value as textValue, p.clob_value as clobValue, p.resource_id as resourceId, p.user_id as userId from properties p where p.prop_key=? and p.resource_id is null and p.user_id is null | params=sonar.pullrequest.github.endpoint
2020.11.04 14:02:44 TRACE ce[AXWTkSH0zIDHJBORNEh7][sql] time=1ms | sql=select p.prop_key as "key", p.is_empty as empty, p.text_value as textValue, p.clob_value as clobValue, p.resource_id as resourceId, p.user_id as userId from properties p where p.prop_key=? and p.resource_id is null and p.user_id is null | params=sonar.alm.github.app.privateKey.secured
2020.11.04 14:02:44 TRACE ce[AXWTkSH0zIDHJBORNEh7][sql] time=0ms | sql=select p.prop_key as "key", p.is_empty as empty, p.text_value as textValue, p.clob_value as clobValue, p.resource_id as resourceId, p.user_id as userId from properties p where p.prop_key=? and p.resource_id is null and p.user_id is null | params=sonar.alm.github.app.id
2020.11.04 14:02:44 TRACE ce[AXWTkSH0zIDHJBORNEh7][sql] time=0ms | sql=select p.prop_key as "key", p.is_empty as empty, p.text_value as textValue, p.clob_value as clobValue, p.resource_id as resourceId, p.user_id as userId from properties p where p.prop_key=? and p.resource_id is null and p.user_id is null | params=sonar.alm.github.app.name
2020.11.04 14:02:44 TRACE ce[AXWTkSH0zIDHJBORNEh7][s.n.w.p.h.HttpURLConnection] ProxySelector Request for https://api.github.com/app/installations
2020.11.04 14:05:38 INFO ce[AXWTkSH0zIDHJBORNEh7][o.s.c.t.CeWorkerImpl] Executed task | project=dprep-plugin-sample | type=REPORT | pullRequest=2 | id=AXWTkSH0zIDHJBORNEh7 | submitter=svc_gpsrm_jenkins | status=SUCCESS | time=174261ms
P.S.: use the #bug:fault sub-category if you’re hitting a specific crash/error , or the #bug:fp sub-category for rules-related behaviour