Possibility to output TeamCity service messages for configured issue search

It would be nice if the Scanners (for me especially the Gradle scanner) could output TeamCity service messages to add build problems for certain issues if the build waited for the quality gate anyway.
As the quality gate was waited for, the issues should already be available, so they can be requested with the issue search api.
In my case I would be interested in all unresolved blocker issues for the project.
For those I’d like to get build problems reported.
I can of course code this myself, but it would be nice if the scanner could just do it built-in.

Here more details about the service messages:

I envision a way to configure the parameters for the api/issues/search call (except for infrastructure ones like componentKeys, p, ps) and then get the result reported as build problems.

What I use now in custom-knit solution as description is:

message: ${issue.message ?: '<none>'}
assignee: ${issue.assignee ?: '<none>'}
file: ${responseJson.components.find { it.key == issue.component }?.path ?: '<unknown>'}