Plugin for a static analysis tool

Hello to the Sonar community

We have a static analysis tool which performs analysis of cryptographic API misuses in Java applications. It does so by analysing the jar files of the java project.
We now want to build a plugin inside sonarqube which can triggers the analysis of our tool within sonarqube itself, which can be triggered by the user through the UI.

Right now we have created a very basic plugin with a UI which triggers an API call to start the analysis process by creating and running a processBuilder. The issue we are facing is that this processBuilder is being created but not running.
Does anyone have an idea of what the issue could be?

Thanks in advance.

Hey there.

I think you’ll have good luck looking at plugins with a similar architecture, such as here or here.

I tried implementing process builder with the use of provided links
However when I tried to make a executable command using PB (processbuilder) which required some paths to jar files something looks like

cmd in (PB):
java -jar appPath “path/to/jar/file.jar” …

jar file location

it can not read this path to include it.

What could be the problem I even added this /resources as a dependancy.


Hey there.

I think that for anybody to be helpful (and not just me!), you’d need to include very specific code samples of what you’ve tried and what errors you’ve gotten.

I would also guess that this tutorial should help you out.