org.sonar.plugins.php.AnalysisException: Unable to read file ( symbolic link )

When I run Sonar Scanner I have :

Error during SonarQube Scanner execution
org.sonar.plugins.php.AnalysisException: Unable to read file ‘xxxx.php’

‘xxxx.php’ is a symbolic link in Ubuntu with permissions lrwxrwxrwx.
Linked file not exists.

Versions used (SonarQube docker 7.9.1-community, SonarQube Scanner )


I’m guessing this is part of the analysis log…?

And if so, does the link target actually exist?


This is just a description with technical details, not an analysis log.
The target doesn’t exist.


Then why not simply remove the link?


I just run tests and show report with bugs.
After this DEV team must fix them - report must be finished, in this case is impossible.