Is there any way to customize the tomcat 404 page? let it not show the tomcat version or just show page not found.
I tried to update /opt/sonarqube- and put the error.html in /opt/sonarqube-,
but it’s not work.
Please help to give some advice, thanks.
Setting sonar.web.context seems unnecessary if you’re not using a reverse proxy such as nginx in front of SonarQube. Typically, it’s beneficial in scenarios where: → requests are directed to another application by the reverse proxy
Hi @Scott
I’m using reverse proxy for sonarqube, and the 9999 port not exposed to users.
but there is a scan mentioned the default tomcat index page or error page been detacted on port 9999, need to be removed…
so just want to know if there is any way to customize the pages.
Hi @ganncamp
Because when I use sonar.web.context=/sonarqube, there is a security scan ask to Delete the default index page and remove the example JSP and servlets. Follow the Tomcat or OWASP instructions to replace or modify the default error page
so just want to know how to do it to fix.