Non functional API requirement for sonar API

Can someone provide me the below details for sonar API

Disaster recovery

Hi again @Bhuvaneshwari_Kannan,

Here are the SonarQube web APIs you can use:

  • maintainability - GET api/measures/search (internal API), the metric keys are listed in the aforementioned link (e.g. code_smells, new_code_smells, sqale_rating, etc.)

For the other measure you want, you will not find them directly in SonarQube web API but you can check our Metric Definitions that we have listed. You may have to combine or extract the metric you want from our other metrics.

We have custom measures/metrics feature that is still in use, but this was marked deprecated as of SonarQube 7.4, so that will be removed soon.


Hello ,
Thanks for the reply . I am trying to consume the API . I would like to know about the APIs below mentioned criteria

Performance like how fast is the retrieval

Availability will it be available 24/7
Disaster recovery

Are these APIs available on SonarCloud as well?

Hi @alexvaccaro,

Yes, they are. See the :question: icon next to the search box in the top right-hand corner:

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