Updated to SonarQube 10.7 from 9.9.6. After updating, the “Quality Gates” tab shows the following error in the upper right corner “No quality gate has been found for name {name}”. {name} is the custom quality gate I had created and used in 9.9.x.
I see the custom quality gate in the list but I have no way to edit or delete the quality gate when I click on it.
The built-in quality gates, sonar way and sonar way (legacy), allow me to edit them.
How do I clean out these old quality gates?
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Does the name of your custom Quality Gate happen to have a ‘special’ character in it? We’ve observed the same thing internally with Quality Gates with ‘%’ in the name.
Actually it does have a percent(%) in the name.
Thanks for confirming. This’ll be fixed in 10.8:
SONAR-23187 Some quality gates are not opening up because they have % in their name
Unfortunately, I don’t have a workaround for you.
Thanks for the information and I will keep an eye out for 10.8
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