No quality gate has been found for name

Updated to SonarQube 10.7 from 9.9.6. After updating, the “Quality Gates” tab shows the following error in the upper right corner “No quality gate has been found for name {name}”. {name} is the custom quality gate I had created and used in 9.9.x.
I see the custom quality gate in the list but I have no way to edit or delete the quality gate when I click on it.
The built-in quality gates, sonar way and sonar way (legacy), allow me to edit them.
How do I clean out these old quality gates?


Welcome to the community!

Does the name of your custom Quality Gate happen to have a ‘special’ character in it? We’ve observed the same thing internally with Quality Gates with ‘%’ in the name.


Actually it does have a percent(%) in the name.


Thanks for confirming. This’ll be fixed in 10.8:

SONAR-23187 Some quality gates are not opening up because they have % in their name

Unfortunately, I don’t have a workaround for you.


Thanks for the information and I will keep an eye out for 10.8

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