No issues reported in Rider: Filepath was not resolved

Hi… we are experiencing similar issues (but not able to fix with workaround). The log says this (paths shortened):

[Editor open] 1 file(s) submitted
Filepath for file C:/Users/************/MachineSimulation/Program.cs was not resolved.
File ‘Program.cs’ excluded: Could not create a relative path

And when trying to force validation in Current file-Tab:

Filepath for file C:/Users/************/MachineSimulation/Program.cs was not resolved.

Additional Info: We have a bit of an unusual solution-layout in file system:


where the .sln contains the project like this:

Project(“GUID*”) = “MachineSimulation”, “…\MachineSimulation\MachineSimulation\MachineSimulation.csproj”, “GUID*”

Seems like this is the source of the problem…

Hi @Jazzman

Thanks for reporting the issue. I have moved your message in a separate thread, since I don’t think this is the same problem as the other thread, and your case is quite easy to understand, thanks to your provided information. I will try to reproduce on my side, and give updates on this thread.

Ticket created:

Hi @Julien_HENRY . Thanks for the quick response! We will continue to explore in another Solution which is more standard! Keep up the fine work.

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For your information, ticket SLI-587 has been fixed in latest release. Don’t hesitate to give feedback about your issue (positive or negative).