No issues getting reported to SonarQube Server from TFS on-premise using SonarQube plugin

  • SonarQube - 6.4 (Community Edition)
  • Scanner - C#
  • Plugin - 6.6
  • TFS SonarQube Plugin : 4.17.0

Issue are not getting published to SonarQube Server from TFS on-premise using SonarQube Plugin. While importing it’s not able to fetch output-cs path correctly. Please find logs from build as shared below.

2020-12-08T11:41:25.0414858Z 03:41:25.038 INFO: Importing analysis results from E:\Agent3_work\5\null\output-cs

2020-12-08T11:41:25.0547208Z 03:41:25.054 WARN: Protobuf file not found: null\output-cs\encoding.pb

2020-12-08T11:41:25.0620845Z 03:41:25.054 WARN: Protobuf file not found: null\output-cs\metrics.pb

2020-12-08T11:41:25.0632457Z 03:41:25.054 WARN: Protobuf file not found: null\output-cs\issues.pb

2020-12-08T11:41:25.0652636Z 03:41:25.054 WARN: Protobuf file not found: null\output-cs\token-type.pb

2020-12-08T11:41:25.0675769Z 03:41:25.054 WARN: Protobuf file not found: null\output-cs\symrefs.pb

2020-12-08T11:41:25.0698286Z 03:41:25.054 WARN: Protobuf file not found: null\output-cs\token-cpd.pb

This issue need to be fixed on priority, as it’s impacting our production release. Please reach out to me in case of any further information required.

Thanks & Regards
Vijay Kumar

Did the issue got fixed ?